Non-profits organizations are businesses that outside income solely goes towards maintaining the business afloat and the rest of the money goes toward a cause. Non-profits are beneficial towards communities and issues worldwide but are hard to start up because of the money element. Just like any organization to start it up you need to invest in buildings and licenses to get approved therefore, it takes quite a while before you’re actually making an income that could go towards outside issues. Although non-profits are different from social enterprises in the way that they don’t have to sell something in order to get money to go towards an issue. Non-profits income mostly comes from donations from outside charities, companies, and people. In order to get involved with non-profits you have to search for one that helps out your issue. Afterwards you can volunteer for the organization or make monthly donations because they don’t have to be a lot. Every penny counts. I myself am going to find an organization that pertains towards my issue and volunteer for it if I can. Some challenges that I’m going to face is finding an organization that takes volunteer because now community service is a big part of education growing up that too many people are involved and not enough positions are open. The most important thing to consider when looking at how to help out my issue through a non-profit work lens is knowing what organizations have already broke even with their loans and which on is doing the most change positively towards my issue so I know that I’m contributing more directly towards my issue and not the organization itself. Non-Profits based on the justice oriented model on the first level of Personal Responsible Citizen the person who donates towards a non-profit is taking action personally. In the second level which is Participatory citizen would be someone who just doesn’t donate towards a non-profit organization but also takes a leadership volunteer position within the organization. In the third level which is Social Justice Oriented Citizen the non-profits leadership board is contributing because they are the ones that have to research the best methods to get donations and how to use that money to cause the greatest impact in their issue. The Ted Talk that I found that addresses my issue with non-profits is called “What Non-profits can learn from Coca-Cola” given by Malinda Gates. The Ted Talk addresses how non-profits should think like the Coca-Cola organization such as they insure that every remote village can get an ice cold Coca-Cola. Therefore non-profits specially those for obtaining drinkable water for third world countries should have a marketing component that ensure your corporations gives people in remote villages to get their hands on at least a safe drinkable cup of water. It goes into detail how non-profits need to put themselves out on marketing more in a way that is observable for all people to think that their donation gives people in hundreds of remote villages a chance at getting their hand on drinkable water.