“Oh, there ain’t no rest for the wicked” – Cage the Elephant song “Ain’t No Rest for the Wicked”
Replace “wicked” with “weary” and I think you can fairly accurately summarize most of this semester. This semester has been full of midterms and practicals at a fairly regular clip. Whereas last year our midterms usually came in waves, this semester has been a constant “that’s over, what’s next?” which at times has made the semester feel really long but conversely fly by really quickly too. But as the calendar has now flipped to December the end is quickly approaching along with a much needed break. I’m looking forward to taking some time to rest and sleep, enjoy the holidays with family, enjoy being (relatively) stress free, and travel to see some college friends.

As I mentioned, lot has been happening this semester and much has happened since my last post. A major practical we had was to evaluate the retina and lens of the eye using a couple techniques. It was probably the most nervous I’ve been for a practical all year, seeing as BIO (AKA Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscopy) skills were a little shaky headed into that. Then having to wait until the last group to go for the practical only helped to compound the anxiety. All ended up well though and onto “what’s next.”
Besides all the practicals and tests though, I and a number of us were able to get out for a night around Halloween. Ohio State has an Inter-professional Council that is made up of all the professional schools (Dental, Optometry, Medicine, Veterinary med, Law, and Pharmacy) that provides programing and events for anyone in the those professional programs.

I maybe mentioned it last year but an event IPC always puts on is their annual Halloween party. It’s always a good time and a chance to get off campus for a night and get dressed up because how would it be Halloween without a costume? (Bonus points if you get my costume reference).
Another really fun thing we did recently as groups in our Ophthalmic Optics class was design and grind our very own prescription glasses. I thought it was a really interesting project to physically experience and learn about making real lenses. It’s pretty impressive all the steps that go into making a single lens, including properly laying out the lens, tracing the frame, grinding the lens to fit, and actually installing the lens so everything is correct. A lot more steps go into it than you might initially think.

In order to up the stakes, a contest is held for a chance to win lenses from The Eyewear Gallery as well as a certain amount of pride and bragging rights. Each lab group is tasked with trying to hit ANSI standards (the standards by which glasses are made and verified) as well as for fun, making a themed tray. The groups who best hit ANSI standards and make the best tray (as judged by faculty members of the college) win. Our group, in anticipation of the new release later this month, went with a Star Wars theme. The force certainly was strong with us as Darth Vader helped lead us to victory in the “best tray” for our lab group.
Thanksgiving last week was a much needed short break from school and it was really nice to get the entire family together. Given that we had two major practicals this week, I couldn’t entirely ignore school during the break.

As such, what else does a second year optometry student do but subject all that I’m learning on my “willing” family! My brother was gracious enough to sit for me in my modified exam lane (AKA, the kitchen) and have his eyes examined so I could practice for my practicals this week. As best I could tell his eyesight is quite fine and I got these great pictures of out it!

Classes wrap up next week and finals start a week from tomorrow. A lot to do between now and then but I’m sure it will be here before I know it.