I must apologize upfront about the hiatus of blog posts in February. In about the middle of the month we hit the first round of midterms which consumed my life for the better part of two weeks. So it some ways I don’t have much to report since my last post as I was mostly studying all last month. But round 1 is done, it’s March already, and Spring Break is 10 days away!
I’m really looking forward to Spring Break and the chance to catch up on some sleep, hopefully travel to Cincinnati to see some friends, and of course binge watch Season 3 of House of Cards. Although calling Spring Break a “Break” might be a misnomer considering we have 3 midterms the week following spring break, including one the Monday we come back so some work will have to get done as well. I’m certainly not looking forward to that but at the same time we have all week to prepare. I’ve studied for midterms with considerably less time before, so as long as I am efficient and use my time wisely it shouldn’t be a big deal.
Here’s a quick shot of a group of us that got dinner one night as we were all studying at the school for the first round of midterms.
Besides midterms, round 1, the big event in February was the annual EyeBall (more eye related puns!) Gala hosted by the American Optometric Student Association (AOSA). The event is for the entire college and it’s our chance to get together as a whole school to celebrate and have a good time. A handful of awards are also given out each year to people within the college who have done great things for the school in the past year. Awards can range from student leader of the year to faculty member of the year to clinical attending of the year. It’s a great event all around and so I’ll leave you with a few shots from EyeBall this year.