So admittedly, this blog blast is a week late but that’s what happens when we had our first two midterms this week. The level of busyness (and stress levels) has certainly increased in the last couple weeks. But, I’ve made it through week 1 of midterms and now to get through 2 more next week to finish off the first round of midterms.
In the meantime though, I did get a chance last week to go to the Student Volunteers for Optometric Service to Humanity’s (SVOSH) sorting party and it was a really awesome time. SVOSH is one of our many student organizations and SVOSH focuses on providing eye care and eyewear to people in developing nations who are unable to access such care. As part of that, students in SVOSH sort thousands of donations of used eyeglasses so they can be provided to patients on SVOSH trips. I’ve heard the trips, which are usually somewhere in South America or the Caribbean regions, are fantastic. It’s great exposure to unique diseases rarely seen in the states, a chance to make a huge impact on the lives of people in need, and of course, an opportunity to sight see a little bit as well. I’m hoping I’ll get the chance to go on a trip during my time in school.
So back to the sorting part of all this. Literally, SVOSH has boxes upon boxes upon boxes you didn’t know existed worth of glasses. It’s really impressive actually. The president of SVOSH organized this big sorting party to try and get through some boxes and we had a great turnout. The cool part though, was getting to sort through all of them and find some pretty ridiculous styles of glasses. We had a competition going on for who could find the most outrageous pair and we found some gems. I wish I had more photos of what we found, but the picture below will give you a decent idea.