I Think I Need (Another) Study Break…

So, if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past two semesters at The Ohio State University College of Optometry, it’s that I’m pretty terrible at studying.

Just kidding. That’s not actually a new revelation; studying has never been one of my top 85 skills. Nevertheless, it’s a point that I was reminded of as I started my 8th study break in the past hour.

Yeah.. Maybe it’s best to not comment on that.

In any case, today’s “Day in the Life of an Ohio State Optometry Student” is brought to you by procrastination… I hope you enjoy it as much as I am enjoying (yet another) study break!

So, as I mentioned in my last post, this semester has been pretty chill for me, which is a fact that I have largely loved. Despite the wonders of a free schedule though, sometimes it’s nice to spice life up a bit and have an exciting weekend.

And so that’s what I did.

This past weekend’s first excitement started with the National Optometric Student Association (NOSA) sponsored “Dinner with the Docs”. At this event, a group of 15-20 NOSA members gathered at Eddie George’s 27 Bar and Grille to eat dinner and talk with several local(ish) optometrists. Though networking is definitely not one of my strong suits, I enjoyed going and listening to each of the doctor’s stories about the paths that they chose to pursue after graduation. It proved to be a very informative few hours, and showed me just how much plans may change upon reaching the “real world”.

Part two of my exciting weekend was the EYE Spring Banquet. Though this annual event is primarily a celebration of the fourth year EYE members, it provided a fantastic excuse to dress up and spend an evening with optometry students and faculty, while eating amazing food and just having an all-around great time. I can’t wait to go back next year!

The final highlight of my weekend was sitting for a second year during his mock practical, or in other words, pretending to be a patient while a second year student performed a complete eye exam on me in preparation for his upcoming practical. Though I love in general hearing about what other people can see in my eyes, I especially loved being dilated for the second time in my life, which I used as the perfect excuse to buy my first pair of reading glasses. It was great.

Well, I really should attempt to study for tomorrow morning’s exam again.. Catch y’all later!
