2015 has definitely come in with quite a bang here at Ohio State!!! As I’m sure that you have heard, our beloved Football team brought home the inaugural College Football Playoff National Championship last Monday night. This was also our first day back to classes for the Spring Semester. So from the outside looking in that doesn’t seem like much of a conflict. But from my perspective it was one of the hardest decisions of my life. Like I have mentioned before, I have been a die-hard Buckeye since the day I was born. I have attended this great institution for 5 and ½ years at this point and continue to grow my love for my Buckeyes each and every day. Therefore, when it came down to deciding whether to make the 18hr trek to Dallas, Texas for the game and miss the first two days of school or stay home to watch the game, I had quite the dilemma. I did end up staying home and decided that my school money would be better put to use by going with the Fellowship of Christian Optometrists to Jamaica for a mission trip over Spring Break (which I will talk more about later). I made the right decision because I had the best night watching the game. My house here on campus, was filled with 30+ of my Optometry classmates crammed (literally) into my living room cheering on our Buckeyes. It was an amazing feeling for me to be surrounded by these friends that have come from Colleges and Universities all around the country all screaming at the top of our lungs in celebration of our win. We all brought appetizers and even had ourselves some Duck to eat all while we enjoyed the game together. I couldn’t have asked for better way to enjoy the amazing experience, it was definitely a night that we will all remember for years to come.
This experience is just another reason of why The Ohio State College of Optometry is such an amazing place. Within the building itself we have ourselves a very tightknit family that is willing to do whatever we need to help each other succeed. This is not only on the student level but also from the faculty. One of the things that has amazed me the most when transitioning into Optometry School a year and half ago was how down to earth and helpful all of the professors were. They are willing to go above and beyond their job description to help us learn and be the best Optometrists that we can become. I can still remember sitting in Fry 33 that first week of Optometry School when Dr. Earley told us that he was excited to teach to his future colleagues and that was how he would treat us. That truly caught my attention and has continued to impress me as I have seen this with each and every professor, attending, and staff member that I have met thus far. But back to why OSU is so great… Not only does it provide us with this family inside Fry Hall but it also gives us the amazing opportunities and experiences of one of the largest and in my opinion most spirited schools in the country! Not only has the past week been fun celebrating the big win but so has every Saturday this past football season as we tend to come together to relax and enjoy watching our Buckeyes play. As Optometry students, we are usually very busy studying, but if you plan accordingly it is very possible to take time off to fully enjoy the games with your friends. The Buckeye spirit is very big and quite frankly contagious. The spirit of the Buckeyes brings a whole new life to our time here at Ohio State and has already left us all with more memories than we will be able to count.
This semester is off to a shot gun start, on top of the exciting win last week! Last Wednesday, I completed my first complete eye exam on one of my classmates, and I will be starting to do full eye exams on my family and friends starting in February. I will be back on here very soon again to give you another update but for now I just had to give you all a little taste of the excitement that we are living here at THE Ohio State University College of Optometry!
Gooo BuckEYES!