As specified by the UCAT guidelines for a mentored teaching experience, I will be working with Joni Tornwall on preparation and facilitation of ESEPSY 1159 on the following course goals and multi-level objectives:
Course Goals:
- Encourage self-regulated learning, active participation, and civility in the online environment through modeling of behavior and supportive guidance.
- Establish a positive learning environment that is consistent, fair, and challenging.
- Use existing course content to deliver instruction that guides students to achieve stated learning objectives.
Module-level objectives:
- Review course design of an online undergraduate course and make recommendations for improvement.
- Identify instructional strategies for the online environment.
- Discuss learner characteristics of various course audiences (online/face-to-face, undergraduate/graduate/professional, small-enrollment/large-enrollment, etc.) and how those characteristics affect approach to teaching.
- Facilitate an online course by establishing a teaching presence (per the Community of Inquiry model).
- Establish social presence for instructor and students through use of online interactive features, including discussion boards and announcements.
- Reflect on students’ levels of cognitive presence in the course.
- Provide timely, meaningful, quality feedback to students on graded assignments and other communication, taking into consideration scale of class size.
- Resolve student concerns and issues using classroom management and FERPA-compliant strategies.
- Self-evaluate online teaching performance and reflect on the strengths and challenges of the experience to develop plans for continuous improvement.
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