2015 Summer Institute: What happened to Saturday?

It seems like just a few hours ago that two students came to my house Friday for a sleepover so we could make our 6 am flight headed for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Joslyn and Dan awaiting passport control in Addis Ababa.

Joslyn and Dan awaiting passport control in Addis Ababa.

As we now sit drinking much needed coffee, we realize it’s already Sunday, we have no idea what happened to Saturday, and we can barely remember what sleep feels like.

We are, however, extremely grateful for the chance to be part of the 2015 Ohio State One Health Summer Institute, where our job will be teaching communication and helping to craft messages that may help with the country’s rabies epidemic.

Since it’s been just eight months since my last visit to Ethiopia, it feels like a homecoming of sorts, but it is also a chance to see the country anew through the eyes of my students, Joslyn and Dan.

As I write, we have made a much-needed rest stop at the Jupiter Hotel in Addis Ababa before heading off to our final destination, the University of Gondar.

I will be here for a week. Dan and Joslyn for two weeks beyond that. We have already adopted the philosophy of the wise and wonderful Wondwossen Gebreyes, the leader of our venture: Maximum flexibility with minimum expectations.

So we celebrated when we found Wondwossen at baggage claim after we flew through  Washington D.C., and he came through Toronto. And we did not sweat when Dan missed his flight to Gondar.

One thing is sure: This will be another incredible adventure.


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