
Please note: All sessions will be held in the Performance Hall of the Ohio Union, except where noted.

Wednesday, October 18 


8:15-9:00 am Registration (in front of entrance to Performance Hall)
9:00-9:10 am (Opening Remarks) Vicki Wysocki, The Ohio State University; Ohio Eminent Scholar, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Director of CCIC, Director of Center for Native MS Guided Structural Biology
9:10-9:40 am (Invited Speaker) John McLean, Vanderbilt University, Molecular phenomics in systems, synthetic, and chemical biology
9:40-10:10 am (Invited Speaker) Kelly Hines, University of Georgia, Assessing membrane fluidity of antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus using an RPLC-IM-MS method for isomeric phospholipid separations
10:10-10:30 am Break (20 min)
10:30-11:30 am Parallel Oral Sessions (submitted abstracts)
  • (1) 10:30-10:50 am
  • (2) 10:50-11:10 am
  • (3) 11:10-11:30 am

Session 1A (Performance Hall)

    1. Ganesh Anand, Penn State University, Asymmetric Viral Genomic RNA Egress from a springloaded virus through Ribonucleoprotein rearrangements by a combination of HDXMS and Cryo-EM
    2. Marius Kostelic, The Ohio State University, ​​Architecture of Adeno Associated Virus Capsids by Electron Capture Charge Reduction and Surface Induced Dissociation
    3. Makenzie Witzel, West Virginia University, ​​Protein Analysis Using Capillary Electrophoresis Coupled to Mass Spectrometry Through Vibrating Sharp-Edge Spray Ionization

Session 1B (Great Hall 1&2)

    1. Daniel Quiroz-Moreno, The Ohio State University,​​ MS2extract: an R package for a scalable LC-MS/MS compound library creation​
    2. Damien Wilburn, The Ohio State University, ​​Probabilistic modeling of peptide chromatography with Chronologer-NF provides novel insights into reverse phase chemistry​
    3. Ariana Shannon, The Ohio State University, ​​Generating fit-for-purpose targeted mass-spectrometry based proteomics assays from a global proteome catalog​
11:30-12:00 pm Networking break/Lunch pickup (30 min)
12:00 pm-12:30 pm (Lunch and Learn, sponsored by MOBILion) Rachel Harris, MOBILion, Development of an LC-HRIM-MS workflow and database for untargeted plasma lipidomic analyses (PERFORMANCE HALL)
12:35-1:05 pm Parallel Lunch and Learn sessions:

  • Performance Hall (Lunch and Learn, sponsored by Metabolon) Heino Heyman, Metabolon, Untargeted metabolomics in the fight for patient diagnosis 
  • Great Hall 1&2 (Lunch and Learn, sponsored by Bruker) Jace Greenwald, The Ohio State University, Detecting disease-relevant post-translational modifications in Alzheimer’s disease brain-derived tau filaments using a Bruker timsTOF Pro and Leon Lin, The Ohio State University, Native Mass Spectrometry on a modified timsTOF Pro
1:05-1:15 pm Break (10 min)
1:15-2:15 pm Poster Session 1 (odd numbers present)
2:15-2:45 pm Networking break/exhibitor booths (Gallery area in front of Great Hall)
2:45-3:15 pm (Invited Speaker) Kallol Gupta, Yale University, Deciphering hierarchical organization of proteins and lipids in the cell membrane
3:15-3:45 pm (Invited Speaker) Heather Desaire, Kansas University, Machine learning in mass spectrometry and beyond: The magic behind the methods
4:00-5:00 pm Facility tours upon request (contact

Thursday, October 19  


8:30-9:00 am Registration (in front of the entrance to Performance Hall)
9:00-9:30 am (Invited Speaker) Liangliang Sun, Michigan State University, Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry for proteoforms and protein complexes
9:30-10:00 am (Invited Speaker) Amanda Hummon, The Ohio State University, Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: Imaging patient derived tissues for lipidomic and proteomic changes
10:00-10:15 am Break (15 min)
10:15-11:15 am Poster Session 2 (even numbers present)
11:15-11:35 am Break/Lunch pickup (20 min)
11:35 am-12:05 pm Parallel Lunch and Learn sessions:

  • (Lunch and Learn, sponsored by Agilent) Rob Schrader, Texas A&M University, Optimization of a Digital Mass Filter for the Isolation of High m/z Analytes (GREAT HALL 1&2)
  • (Lunch and Learn, sponsored by SCIEX) Chris Brown, Corteva Agriscience, Structure Elucidation of Trace Level Agrochemical Metabolites Enabled by Advances in Mass Spectrometry (GREAT HALL 3)
12:05-12:35 pm Parallel Lunch and Learn sessions:

  • (Lunch and Learn, sponsored by Waters) Roy Martin, Waters, Targeted DESI-MS Imaging Utilizing Nominal Mass Tandem Quadrupole and High-Resolution MS Instruments (GREAT HALL 1&2)
  • (Lunch and Learn, sponsored by Thermo Fisher Scientific) Trenton Peters-Clarke, University of California-San Francisco, Rapid and deep proteome analysis enabled by a novel high resolution-accurate mass platform (GREAT HALL 3)
12:35-1:00 pm Networking/exhibitor booths (Gallery area in front of Great Hall)
1:00-2:20 pm Parallel Oral Sessions (submitted abstracts)
  • (1) 1:00-1:20 pm
  • (2) 1:20-1:40 pm
  • (3) 1:40-2:00 pm
  • (4) 2:00-2:20 pm

Session 2A (GREAT HALL 1&2)

    1. Ziqi Li, The Ohio State University, ​​Use of Mass Spectrometry-based Metabolomics to Study How Novel Processing Technologies Alter Mango and Orange Juices​
    2. Riley Ferguson, The Ohio State University, Development of Direct Mass Spectrometry Platform for Shotgun Metabolomics Analyses of Whole Blood Samples for Malaria Diagnosis
    3. James Londino, The Ohio State University, ​​Development of split-MicroID2 for proximity proteomics
    4. Daniel Do, The Ohio State University, ​​Absorption and Metabolism of Steroidal Alkaloids from Tomato Juice in Healthy Adults: a Pharmacokinetic Study​

Session 2B (GREAT HALL 3)

    1. Calum Bochenek, University of Akron, ​​Characterization of Macrocyclic and Ring Architectures by Collision Induced Unfolding​
    2. Girish Muralikrishnan, The Ohio State University, ​​Paper-Based Immunoassay for Multiplexed Detection of Colorectal Cancer Biomarkers Through Direct Paper Spray Mass Spectrometry​
    3. Yousef Hassan Elshamy, West Virginia University, ​Analysis of Small Molecules by Coupling Capillary Electrophoresis to Mass Spectrometry Using a Nanoflow Sheath Vibrating Sharp Edge Spray Ionization Interface
    4. Addie Keating, University of Akron, Fragmentation and Association Reactions of Chlorophosphazene Oligomers Studied by Multidimensional Ambient Mass Spectrometry
2:25-2:30 pm Closing remarks (poster awards) Performance Hall