A (somewhat chronological) timeline of A2:
- Ppts:
- Maps
- Slow-Looking
- Texturing
- Making Maps
- Haiku activity
- Slow-looking activites
- Colors, Shapes, Lines, similarities…
- Kandinsky (“Composition 8”) slow-looking extrapolation
- “Garden of Earthly Delights” slow-looking
- 2×10 Observation activity
- Refik Anadol (Machine Hallucinations)
- In-Hayes or around the perimeter Slow-looking observations with table group
- Map Activities 1 & 2 (outside day)
- Written Journey
- Map Room — Thompson Library
- Trade/discuss visual-findings from Thompson journey
- Create guided instructions
- Trade guided instructions and compare
- Texturing activity and PowerPoint
- Studio time~
Might include:
- Photos of journey
- Findings
- Colors, lines, shapes
- Slow-looking observations
- Iterations, journey notes, considered destinations
- Activities
- Inspirations for your map
- Visual references?
- Be sure to cite your source if it’s from a piece of media.
- Example:
Exercises (and/or Activites)
- Exercise 1 — Exercise 1 – Writing
- Exercise 2 — Exercise 2 – Photographs
Concept Statement (optional, but recommended)
- Would recommend editing the creative steps of your journey into a concept statement.
- What was your intention? Did your journey have a story? How did you want your map to be interpreted?
- Choosing your destination
- Documenting and deciding on steps
- Layout options
- Rough Sketches
- Key/Legend, Title
- Script, Font, Color choice
- In-progress production examples or notes during
- Final Map documentation
- **Review of journey TBA during blog/process day**
**Link to Portfolio Project (can be added later)**
Previous Example:
Creating and Organizing your Process Posts | Design Foundations (osu.edu)