Blog Post Example – Taylor’s 2130 PM
- The mundane is the interesting to us. We like the questions that folks might not know, but need to ask. Exploring these questions means you have covered all of your bases and you have confidence in your decision making.
- As designers, we want to activate both hemispheres of our brain. We are interested in both text, visuals, and context (situating text & visuals in relation to one another).
- When documenting your process, I suggest 3-sentences to a paragraph of information and a visual to contextualize and break up content into an enjoyable read.
- Too much text/visuals at once, we begin to lose our relation to the content and may overlook finding important information or interesting relationships you explored when working.
Each Process Post must have the following sections. Content within each section may vary.
- Research
Provide a brief explanation of the research you have conducted and document the research phase with photos, images, and various other findings in this section. You can include a sample of inspiration you have gathered throughout the assignment. Inspirations can be organized like a mood board. You must cite the sources of information for referenced or found work. Caption images to give your reader a better understanding of what you were doing or what purpose the image(s) served.- Exercises/Activities*
This part of the process journal is where you can share the visuals of exercises or activities that were done during each assignment. These various exercises or activities are the work from class that were done to explore ideas, concepts, or practice skills. Exercises from Fundamentals class and Participation Activities from Visualizations would both fit under this section. - For Project 1 – Studio Space
We had numerous different exercises assigned over the course of the project. I request that you choose at minimum 4 of the exercises that helped you the most when developing your skills and your final outcome.- List of Current exercises (description available on Carmen):
- Contour Line Weight
- Planes, Curves, Layering
- Bottles & Shapes Diorama
- Triangulation Practice
- 8×8 1-Point layout Practice
- Mood / Reference Board
- Contour Shapes Exercise (TBA)
- List of Current exercises (description available on Carmen):
- Exercises/Activities*
- Iterations
This section will contain the brainstorming and ideations created as you worked towards the final deliverable. For this part, try to select visuals (e.g., sketches, digital drawings, photos) that represent the idea development best. You do not have to include every little idea, but do show a strong representation of your development. You should use image captions or write a brief description to explain what the visuals show.- For Project 1 – Studio Space
- We had numerous attempts creating your grid
- Using tracing paper to test and ideate both layout and placement of objects
- Testing of rendering both volume and solid shapes drafted form
- 3D applications
- Digital Tests
- Concept Statement*
Provide your concept or project statement here if one was written for the project.
*If your project did not have one, do not include this section.- For Project 1 – Studio Space
- No concept statement needed [One for portfolio will probably be needed–later]
- Production
The final part of the Process Post for each assignment is the step by step guide of the final deliverable’s production. For this part, you can write a brief reflection about your achievements, lessons learned, and potential improvements. Not all of these points might be included, but should help you with getting started (Self-explanatory for all blog posts)- Where did you start?
- What were your first steps?
- Were you working on your own? With a team?
- What did you learn? What would you have changed?
- How did you arrive at solutions when met with obstacles?
- Did you create a to-do list?
- When did you decide you were done?
- Project parameters?
- Time-constraints?
- Photos / Documentation of work [IMPORTANT]
- This can include tests, in progress shots, messes, assessments, note-taking pages, etc.
- Where/how did your inspirations guide you to certain decisions?
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