
So it’s been a wild ride, but alas, all great things must come to an end. I have enjoyed my time blogging to you all about the wonders of Online Learning. Now, it is time to look back on the seven-weeks we’ve had together and see all that we have learned.

Technology can be very helpful when it comes to succeeding in college. One way it can be used is to keep you organized. Big events, homework assignments, finals, even task lists; you name it, you can have it on your laptop or even on your phone (shout out to the Google Calendar app). So, once you’ve got your study plan all mapped out, it’s time to get down to business! Yeah, that’s right, I’m talking note taking time. Honestly, you can Google anything these days and find some sort of resource to help you learn more about a subject and thoroughly study it. (See one of my previous post for more info on how to actually take those notes). But on a serious note, there is a wealth of knowledge on the internet. Anything you don’t know, someone has probably already either A) researched it, B) already asked that same question and got it answered, of C) taken notes on it. And all of this is can be found on the lovely world wide web. Pretty neat, huh?

As I traveled this long road toward learning about online learning, I’ve had to learn a little about myself. Like that grand old procrastination habit, yeah that’s a real thing. And it’s not a good thing, at all. But, the tips and tricks I’ve learned in class, such as planning and prioritizing, will be very helpful for next semester. As an RA, I have to deal with interruptions and unplanned events every day. So, having a task list as I learned in class would also be beneficial. One of the most important things I have learned about myself is that I’m not as bad at pre-planning as I thought I was. Taking the quizzes opened my eyes to some areas of improvement, and I will definitely work on it. However, I can’t be too hard on myself since there are some things I do really well too.

I think my favorite part of this class has been writing these blogs. Describing things and throwing in own personality and style is actually really fun. I might even start blogging on my downtime. As an engineer, I don’t get to do much writing, at least not much creative writing, so it’s been really great to let the creative juices flow again and apply my classwork in a more personal way. It’s been a fantastic experience. I’ve learned a lot, explained a lot, read a lot, written a lot, and I think it is really paying off. In the future, I can use this information in daily life. Planning, helping my future children find additional resources online, citations for my Capstone class; all of these things can be made easier with the information I have learned this semester.

So, it’s time for me to sign off now. It’s been a lovely few weeks and I wish you all the best in your studies.