Humans of OSU


“Well I use to be in sales but now I take care of my parents full time. My father has dementia and my mother suffered an aneurism back in 1995 so she’s been disabled since then. They were able to clamp it but she had a lot of blood loss to her brain. She had a massive stroke but she survived it. So, for the last 20 years you know mostly my dad’s been helping out with her but I’ve always been there to help out as much as I can. I’ve always worked full time but now it’s to the point where I’ve took over everything for them. I’m their power of attorney. I pay all the bills. I do everything for them, so now I just do this. I work for a company called CSC. We do event security for different events. For Ohio State we do football games, we do basketball games and this event here I believe is for a breast cancer sendoff tomorrow and I am just here to basically watch the platforms and make sure nobody hurts themselves. Because of this job, I can just work part time whenever I want. It’s perfect for me and I can schedule it around what I need to do for my parents.”