About Your Presenters

Steven T. Nagel

An image of Steven Nagel


I’m an Associate Instructional Designer on the Distance Education team in the Office of Distance Education and eLearning (ODEE) at The Ohio State University. I work one-on-one with faculty at Ohio State to develop three online courses per semester (typically two full developments and one revision). Additionally, I contribute to the Distance Education team’s Multimedia Advancement Initiative to investigate and assess innovative, interactive ways to engage students in online courses.

Prior to joining ODEE, I split my time teaching face to face courses for The Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology (EEOB) and The Center for Life Sciences Education (CLSE) at Ohio State. Starting with my graduate work, I have sought to understand best practices for technology integration into courses with a particular interest in biology and general science content areas.

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Ross A. Tamburro

Image of Ross Tamburro


I’m an Associate Educational Technologist on the Distance Education team in the Office of Distance Education and eLearning (ODEE) at The Ohio State University. I work primarily with our team’s instructional designers to help bring multimedia innovation to the courses within our fully online degree programs. This includes establishing foundational processes and strategies to promote interactivity as a core component of our course design process and producing interactive multimedia/video projects to drive forward our Multimedia Advancement Initiative.

I joined the Distance Education team as a student in the fall of 2016 and stayed on full time after graduating with a BA in Journalism from OSU in the spring of 2017. My background in Journalism has enhanced my ability to understand and design with the end-user in mind, both critical components of a quality student experience.

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