Research group on Digital Twins

The research group on Design of Physical and Computer Experiments will meet every second Thursday from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm EST in CH 212 and on Zoom. The topic for this semester will be Statistical Foundations of Digital Twins.  The first half of the meeting will consist of a presentation of the week’s paper, and the rest will consist of a discussion. Below are the papers we will read:

9/12/2024 – Niederer, S.A., Sacks, M.S., Girolami, M. et al. Scaling digital twins from the artisanal to the industrial. Nat Comput Sci 1, 313–320 (2021). 

9/26/2024 – Kapteyn, M.G., Pretorius, J.V.R. & Willcox, K.E. A probabilistic graphical model foundation for enabling predictive digital twins at scale. Nat Comput Sci 1, 337–347 (2021).

10/24/2024 – Duffin, C., Cripps, E., Stemler, T., & Girolami, M. Statistical finite elements for misspecified models. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A (2021), 118(2), e2015006118.

11/7/2024 – Cowles, B., Backman, D. & Dutton, R. Verification and validation of ICME methods and models for aerospace applications. Integr Mater Manuf Innov 1, 3–18 (2012).

11/21/2024 – Jacob, P.E., Murray, L.M., Holmes, C.C & Robert, C.P. Better together? Statistical learning in models made of modules. arXiv preprint (2017).

Student recognitions

  • Yue Ma, Yingyu Cheng, and Eric Crislip are embarking on summer internships in industry and national labs. See you in the autumn!
  • Congratulations to former HAMMER ERC intern Emily Cunningham on her graduation from the undergraduate program in Statistics at OSU. Emily also won a prize for her participation at the recent ASA DataFest. Wishing you all the best as you begin your career.
  • Yue Ma has won the Department of Statistic’s Whitney Award for Best Research Associate. Congratulations, Yue!
  • Alan Gan, Yue Ma, and Yingyu Cheng’s abstracts have been accepted for presentation at the upcoming Joint Statistical Meeting in Portland. Have a great time at JSM!