Welcome to my second blog post! Today, I will be discussing ways to not allow procrastination to strip us from our responsibilities as students. One of the most useful things that I learned in this module is that procrastination can effect each and every one of us but we do not have to let it get in the way of achieving our goals. There are various online tools that can keep procrastination at bay and will surely be helpful for college students. On Slide 18 of the module presentation, I learned a lot about tools and tips that I currently use with Google. Through google calendar, I can sync a lot of my tasks, deadlines and assignments so that I can view it on my laptop and on my phone. This helps with keeping me on track with classwork wherever I am. On Slide 22, there is a tip that I use which is putting my phone and laptop on Do Not Disturb so that I am not distracted by notifications through social media or a text message. It also states to check your emails at designated times. This helps with continuity and making sure that I am consistent with completing tasks before I switch to an off task that can hinder me completing a school assignment. All these tips ultimately helps with reducing distractions and I encourage students who are struggling with completing tasks on time or are easily distracted to give it a try.
Christie Okoye