Interested in becoming a Stater? We’re here to help!
Step 1: Attend an information session or contact one of our Recruitment Chairs (find their emails here!)
Step 2: Join our Prospective Members GroupMe & listserv to stay up-to-date on the application and interview process
Step 3: Fill out an online application, review our history, and interview!
Stay In-The-Know!
Follow @ohiostatersinc on Instagram, X, Facebook, and TikTok
Attend Our Open Committee Meetings!
Autumn 2024 semester meeting times:
Committee Meetings
Stater Office, Room 3088 of the KBK Center in the Ohio Union
- Research & Development (R&D): Tuesday, 5 pm
- Projects: Tuesday, 6 pm
- Steering: Wednesday, 7 pm
Traditions Room, second floor of the Ohio Union
- Luncheon: Thursday, 11:30 – 12:30 pm