Tryouts for the 2016 OSUMB are just around the corner! The requirements for percussion music auditions has been updated for each instrument, and can be found under on our Auditions page.
Keep up the good work, Go Bucks!
Tryouts for the 2016 OSUMB are just around the corner! The requirements for percussion music auditions has been updated for each instrument, and can be found under on our Auditions page.
Keep up the good work, Go Bucks!
Hi Buckeyes! We have just a few pieces of information we wanted to get out to you all regarding the next few weeks. First, If you are auditioning for the 2016 OSU Marching Band please be registered for tryouts by this coming Monday, July 25th. You can register for tryouts here. The audition music will be distributed, to those who are registered, next week.
We also want to remind everyone that the summer session schedule is a little bit different next week. We will be having our usual 5 pm – 9 pm summer sessions on Monday July 25th, and Tuesday July 26th, but there will be no session that Thursday. There will also be no drumline sectional Wednesday July 27th due to the soccer game in Ohio Stadium.
Lastly, there are two new exercises to work on under the music PDF’s page called Zone Blitz and Bump and Run.
Keep practicing and Go Bucks!
Hey Buckeye fans! We are approaching the halfway point of our summer sessions and it is great to see everyone working hard and improving. We have just a few reminders regarding Wednesday sectionals. First, our sectional tomorrow will be extended from 6 pm – 9 pm. Second, sectionals next week on Wednesday July 13th are cancelled.
The music for our new warm up “Ramp It Up” has been added to our music PDF’s page, so check that out if you haven’t already. Lastly, by this time in the summer we should all have Fight the Team, Sloopy, and I Wanna Go Back memorized. We need to have Buckeye Battle Cry memorized for next week and it would be a good idea to work on memorizing OSUMBlus early as that is going to be the tryout drill song for this years auditions.
Keep up the good work and Go Bucks!
Thanks for a great first summer session! It was a fantastic turn out and we can’t wait to get to know you all and help in any way we can. Friendly reminder: Starting Thursday June 9th, sessions will start outside the band center at 5pm, for percussion warm ups.
Note: if you’re coming to play cymbals, or thinking about it, come with a pair of WHITE/GREY (preferred) leather baseball gloves. These will help protect your hands from the metal.
Go Bucks!
We are excited to announce that the OSU Drumline will be holding our first annual May drum camp for drummers trying out for the upcoming marching band season. The camp will take place on Friday May 20th from 6 pm – 10 pm, Saturday May 21st from 9 am – 10 pm (with breaks for lunch and dinner), and ending on Sunday May 22nd from 9 am – 1 pm.
We will be doing sub-sectional and full ensemble work on warm-ups and other music for the summer and marching band season, as well as focusing on technique. In order to attend the drum camp you must be accepted to, or enrolled at, Ohio State (Columbus State and Capital University students are eligible as well), and must be planning on trying out for the drumline this summer.
Please contact our percussion instructor, Mark Reynolds, at with any questions.
We are very excited to see everyone tonight from 7-9 in the Steinbrenner Band Center for our last spring sectional of the year. We will pick back up again on Tuesday, June 7th, for the first full band summer session. In the mean time, keep working on our warm up packet, Flam Flows, Building Blocks, Urban Legend, and start looking at our school songs, found at the bottom of the music page, we will be playing these at summer sessions. Also keep up to date on our website and be on the look out for announcments and updates in the month of May.
Go Bucks!
The OSUMB has released the schedule we will follow for this years Summer Sessions and Marching Band Auditions. More detailed information for prospective drumline members can be found on our website under the Summer Sessions and Auditions tabs. Summer Sessions will take place on the following dates throughout the summer:
2016 Auditions will take place from Friday August 12th – Monday August 15th.
All of this information regarding 2016 Summer Sessions and Auditions can also be found on OSUMB’s website.
Unfortunately our percussion instructor will be out of town for our sectionals tomorrow March 30th, so we have decided to cancel them. We will pick back up with sectionals next Wednesday, April 6th. Remember to keep working on the exercises in the Buckeye Technique packet, Flam Flows, and Building Blocks which can be found under our music tab.
Go Bucks!
Sectionals last Wednesday went really well! It’s great to see improvements in those returning each week. Just a reminder that there will be no sectionals this week on Wednesday March 2nd. We will resume weekly sectionals next Wednesday, the 9th. In the meantime, keep working on exercises in the Buckeye Technique packet, Flam Flows, and Building Blocks.
Go Bucks!
We had a great turn out for last Wednesday’s sectionals, and we are already seeing improvements being made! Just a reminder for this weeks sectionals (held on Wednesday the 24th in the Band Center) to start looking at the exercises Flam Flows and Building Blocks as well as the warmup packet. All of our music can be found under the music tab at the top of the page.
Keep up the good work! Go Bucks!