Welcome to Accessible Prosthetics Initiative at Ohio State

What is API?

      Accessible Prosthetics Initiative (API) believes that prosthetics should be available to those that need them. API plans to work toward that goal through outreach to  the community. Our mission is to educate communities about open-source  3D-printing, in the hopes of creating a self-sufficient community, able to produce their prosthetics as they need. We use the UnLimbited Arm v2.1 made by Team UnLimbited, and you can click here to see our guide to finding it and printing it!



API is working to not only improve the prosthetics, but is also working to make them more accessible too! API is always working on something, check out our projects page here! There are plenty of things for students of all majors to help with and work on within API, so consider reaching out and joining!

Reach Out!

Interested in joining API? Fill out this form to join!

E-Mail: ohiostate@apiprosthetics.org

Instagram, Twitter, Facebook: @apiprosthetics