Shortly after the 2022 Maple Boot Camp concluded, we hosted a dedicated workshop for ODNR’s State Service Foresters. To find out who is your local forester, click here and consult the district map and contact list.
To learn more about ODNR’s State Service Foresters, visit their website here.
The goal of the workshop was 2-fold. First and foremost, goal #1 was to educate and work with Ohio’s forester community around the topic of maple. Maple gets mentioned a lot at professional conferences, workshops, seminars, and in day-to-day interactions; however, mentions are most often just in passing. Therefore, having a dedicated full day to talk only about maple as it pertains to sugaring potential was an absolute treat. And it was extremely well received. Everyone in attendance, which was well over half of the Service Foresters statewide, left with an enhanced knowledge of maple and increased level of comfort and ease to speak with landowners about the non-timber maple opportunities.
Goal #2 was to introduce a maple toolbox for foresters and other natural resource professionals. This is a collaborative project that is still a work in-progress; however, it is puts actual tools in trained hands to assess maple woods for sugaring potential. High level site assessments and fine-scale granular inventories, resource lists to get connected within the state’s maple vendor and contractor community, basic information about maple pests and identification, and more. The toolbox empowers our state forester community to be advocates for maple while they are out doing their job and interacting with Ohio woodland owners. As the toolbox hits full stride, we are excited to share its impact and reach!