The Institute for Japanese Studies seeks to support educators through projects with schools in Japan, upgrading the resources to teach about Japan, and increased access to them
Projects include educational outreach and professional development in the State of Ohio and in the Midwest:
- Exchange of Discovery Boxes about Ohio and Japan – Educators and their students create an “Ohio Box” that can be sent to a school in Japan to teach about Ohio culture (anything that tells about your school, city, state, or classroom.)
- Video letter exchanges between schools in Ohio and Japan – with the time difference between Ohio and Japan, it is difficult for a classroom to speak live with a classroom in Japan so video letters will be exchanged.
- Updating of IJS’s Discovery Boxes (physical and virtual) – Incorporating the standards
- Online modules that have new content to teach about Japan – The first module, “Journey along the Tokaido” will integrate a Primary Source Material, a scroll depicting the stations between Tokyo and Kyoto with background materials and lesson plans
- Outreach Workshop – The first K-16 Educator Workshop will focus on “Kamishibai Storytelling: Engaging Visual and Oral Literacies in the Classroom and Connecting to the common Core Literary Standards.”
Made possible in part through funding from the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership.
If interested, please contact Janet Stucky Smith at the Institute for Japanese Studies: or 614-292-3345.