Cutting π
Try Cutting π – An outdoor activity to show you what pi’s really made of!
Welcome to International Day of Math
A few circular objects like a Frisbee, a bucket, a tree stump, or ANY circular objects you find outside that have a flat surface you can measure across and are round (or DRAW different size circles on the sidewalk)
String or yarn
How to:
Carefully wrap the string around the circumference of your object. Cut the string when it is the same length as the circumference.
Now take your “string circumference” and stretch it across the diameter of your circular object.
Cut as many “string diameters” from your “string circumference” as you can. How many diameters could you cut?
What do you notice? If you try laying them out on the ground and taping them back together you should see a pattern develop – even if the circles are different sizes. Good Luck!!
(Based on Cutting π
Download this Outside with Pi Activity sheet