Corny Polymer Balls STEM Challenge

By: Patty House, OSU Extension Educator, 4-H Youth Development

The Problem

The 4-Clovers Toy Company is looking to change the formula they use to make a popular bouncing ball. Market studies show that consumers want to purchase disposable bio-friendly toys. The company’s senior chemist has requested that biodegradable ingredients be studied for their practical use in the bouncing ball’s new formula.

The Challenge

To develop and test a hypothesis to determine the practical use of glue, borax, and corn starch to enhance the bounce factor for a children’s disposable toy ball.

STEM Pathways Corny Polymer Ball STEM Challenge Lesson Plan

Video Link:

Peer-reviewed by: Mark Light, OSU Extension, Associate Professor, 4-H Youth Development


STEM PATHWAYS Corny Polymer Balls STEM Challenge Lesson Plan,