Internship – Hyland Software

Image result for hyland software SCR

This past summer, I was very fortunate in having the opportunity to work as an intern in the Quality Assurance department at Hyland Software. As an intern in the Quality Assurance department, I got to work hands-on with the software before it was released to the customers to test it for bugs and document any changes that were made.

My daily duties consisted of creating test plans for SCR’s, or software change requests, and testing specific pieces of the software to verify that they were functioning to spec. Working with a team of around 10 people, I learned a lot about communicating with different members of the team as well as building relationships professionally in the workplace. My internship last summer was something invaluable to me and I am confident that the skills I developed while working at Hyland will continue to benefit me for years to come. My end of the year presentation can be found here: Hyland Presentation-1cmnpjb



Green Engineering Final Project

In our scholars class, we were assigned to do research on a current green technology and its pro’s and con’s. For our project, we chose to do research on the carbon dioxide emissions associated with gasoline powered automobiles vs. Tesla cars. After doing some research, I learned a lot about how Tesla cars run. While Tesla’s have zero carbon dioxide emissions, they do have to be charged. Therefore, this electricity has to come from power plants which do produce carbon dioxide emissions. In the end, Tesla cars are much better for the environment than gasoline powered automobiles but there is still carbon dioxide emissions associated with them. My presentation can be found in the following link: Green Engineering Project Presentation


I was lucky enough to have played varsity soccer in high school for all 4 years that I was there. Soccer has always been a huge part of my life; I’ve been playing for almost 13 years now. One of the best parts of playing soccer is getting to be part of a team. I grew close to all of my teammates and enjoyed accomplishing things together. In my junior year, I got named captain and took on a new level of responsibility. I was now in charge of making sure everyone stayed on task and being a leader and role model to those around me. During this time, I learned a lot about what it means to be a leader and take responsibility for others around me. I hope to continue playing throughout college and even after I graduate.