The Lighthouse

You are sailing your splendid yacht, the Gemini, down the Hudson River into New York Harbor. It is a sunny afternoon, with a light breeze, and everything is going well. Your crew has been scrubbing down the bulkheads, polishing the brass hardware, and oiling up the teakwood decks. Your chef has begun preparing a splendid dinner on the afterdeck for you and your guests — life is good.

You are approaching the great gray George Washington Bridge, which spans the Hudson from Manhattan Island to New Jersey. Beneath the bridge, on the Manhattan side, is a famous little red lighthouse. You take a sighting of the lighthouse and observe that it is 15 degrees to port. You proceed for two minutes at your stately rate of 5 knots, and you observe that the lighthouse is now 29 degrees to port. How close will you come to the lighthouse as you pass under the bridge?
(Data: 1 knot is approximately 6076 feet per hour.)

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