Parking Ratios and Planning Dilemmas

I’m on the University Area Commission‘s Zoning Committee. We’re reviewing the City of Columbus’ Draft University District Plan. The Plan itself is neither policy nor law; it’s a set of recommendations reflecting, ostensibly, aspirations for the District. Yet, because the Plan will inform and doubtless be used as justification for policy and practice in the foreseeable future, there’s a lot at stake in getting it “right.” The City’s Planning Division has put who-knows-how-many hours into developing it, holding public forums, collecting and analyzing community input, and putting up with tough questions and sometimes outright ignorance and confusion from constituents (plenty from me).

Parking is a central and constant concern and struggle. Continue reading Parking Ratios and Planning Dilemmas

Portrait of Ohio State University

The portrait is up. . To be sure, it’s better thought of as a gallery of highlights than as something to be read cover-to-cover, except for the true enthusiast.

Incidentally, the Presidential Profile (largely crafted by the Presidential Search Advisory Subcommittee) is here: