

I’m a Researcher at the Ohio Colleges of Medicine Government Resource Center. I’m also a PhD Candidate in Ohio State’s Department of Sociology. I’m a student affiliate of OSU’s Institute for Population Research.

My CV is no doubt out of date, but there it is anyway.

I study / have studied the life-course availability of kin under varying demographic regimes; global trends in birth intervals; trends in the duration and location of the reproductive career over demographic transition; the identification of infecundity and subfecundity via survey methods; the trajectories of boundary-making organizations in fields of cultural production; and unsupervised methods for sociological analysis of unstructured text. My main professional interest is in putting computers to work in the service of research, both my making them maximally helpful to their users and clarifying where and how computers are, and aren’t, helpful in the research process. As ex-IT, I enjoy demystifying these issues.

When time permits I volunteer here. It’s a great place, and they can always use help from nice folks like you.

My past employers include Ohio State’s Institute for Population Research, Ohio State’s Department of Sociology, Ohio State’s now-defunct Center for Survey Research (née Survey Research Unit), the United Nations Economic and Social Council for West Asia, and Supraphonic Recording.

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