Working with cross-national survey data can be frustrating because of, among other things, incommensurability among surveys’ variable naming and value coding. Multi-national survey programs such as the Demographic and Health Surveys help provide consistent sampling designs, questionnaires and on-the-ground implementation — their work is helpful, indeed.
Inconsistencies are, for a number of reasons, essentially unavoidable. I’ve found that the way one often finds them is by discovering a problem when proceeding with an analysis that assumes all will go well. Doing better, it turns out, doesn’t require so much effort.
Stata’s built-in data documentation commands, -describe- and -codebook- among them, produce nice human-readable reports of variable and value names. They’re no good for making comparisons across lots of data files, however. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a way to easily compare, across files, the variable names, value labels, and perhaps some rough descriptive across a more or less arbitrary set of files?
Here ya go, in less than a hundred lines:
set trace off clear mata /* Citation: Odden, Colin. 2015. Datadoc [Computer Program]. Columbus, OH. Uses: -filelist-, Robert Picard, Thanks to: Przemek Powalko for identifying three errors, one fatal (now fixed)! This program will, given the -filelist- routine (install from SSC) and some parameters, (1) traverse a directory containing Stata data files (subdirectories are OK, as -filelist- works recursively), (2) record, one variable per line, the filename, variable name, variable label, name of the value label applied to the variable, a list of the levels of the variable and their associated labels, and some misc descriptives. ... yielding a final file _vardesc.txt that you can import into Stata. Note that this is simply automating a very tedious data exploration task. */ clear set maxvar 32767 // Dear user: set the following parameters local job "dhs" // filename prefix -- can be arbitrary but honor your OS' filename restrictions local dir_base "/Users/admin/Documents/data" // must be writeable local dir_sourcedata "`dir_base'/DHS/backup" // change to your data directory local skipvars "" // do you want to skip any variables, such as a caseid? local file_filelist "`dir_base'/`job'_filelist.dta" local file_vardesc "`dir_base'/`job'_vardesc.txt" local file_vardesc_excluded "`dir_base'/`job'_vardesc_pruned.dta" // begin tempname outfile qui which filelist if _rc==111 { cap noi ssc install filelist } filelist, dir("`dir_sourcedata'") pat(*.dta) save("`file_filelist'") replace use `file_filelist', clear file open `outfile' using `file_vardesc', write replace file write `outfile' "fname" _tab "vname" _tab "type" _tab "varlab" /// _tab "vallab" _tab "lvls" _tab "quantity" _tab "val_minimum" _tab /// "val_p50" _tab "val_max" _n local obs=_N forvalues i=1/`obs' { use `file_filelist' in `i', clear local fname = filename[1] local f = dirname + "/" + filename use "`f'", clear numlabel, add foreach v of varlist _all { di "`f' - `v'" local thatlvl "|||" // nonsense placeholder local typ: type `v' local varlbl : variable label `v' local b `"`"' local varlbl : subinstr local varlbl "`b'" "" local varlbl : subinstr local varlbl "`b'" "" // why twice? This was a personal issue with a Peru DHS. local mlvls // initialize empty local lbl : value label `v' file write `outfile' "`fname'" _tab "`v'" _tab "`typ'" _tab `"`varlbl'"' _tab `"`lbl'"' _tab if !inlist("`v'","`skipvars'") { local lbl : value label `v' local lvls // initialize empty cap levelsof `v', local(lvls) local numlvls : word count `lvls' if `numlvls' < 40 { // why 40? Seemed right at the time. foreach lvl of local lvls { // each level of that variable cap local thislvl : label `lbl' `lvl' if _rc==0 { local thislvl : subinstr local thislvl "`b'" "" if `"`thislvl'"'!=`"`thatlvl'"' { local mlvls `"`mlvls'"' `"||`thislvl'"' } } local thatlvl = `"`thislvl'"' } // end each level cap noi file write `outfile' `"`mlvls'"' } // end if numlvls<40 } // end if !inlist cap sum `v', d file write `outfile' _tab "`r(N)'" if `r(N)'>0 { file write `outfile' _tab "`r(min)'" _tab "`r(p50)'" _tab "`r(max)'" } file write `outfile' "" _n local mlvls local typ local varlbl } // end each var local fname local dirname local f } // end each file file close `outfile'
Note that without documentation explaining how consistency was achieved, it is impossible to know how much inconsistency has been glossed by data producers pre-release. That is, apparent consistency to the secondary data analyst is not evidence of consistent production.