
The Coronavirus Study is an assessment of the prevalence of COVID-19 in Ohio. This study is a vital public health project for Ohioans

COVID-19 is a disease caused by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which is circulating in Ohio and around the world. The Ohio Department of Health is testing approximately 1,200 adults in Ohio for current and past infection with the coronavirus. Our goal is to understand how many people in Ohio currently have COVID-19, and how many people were infected with COVID-19 in the past. The results will help Ohio’s leaders make informed decisions about the physical health and economic well-being of Ohioans.

Ohioans from across the state will participate

1,200 households have been chosen at random from all households in the state. Selected households will receive a mailer from ODH notifying them of their selection and estimating when a trained team of ODH workers will visit the home. If you are one of the people who has been invited to participate, we are so grateful for your interest.  Please help us to protect the health of your fellow Ohioans by joining us!

Participating in the Coronavirus Study

Participation is voluntary, and we hope that one adult in each selected household will agree to participate. Those who agree will complete a brief, confidential survey about their health and other topics, have their blood drawn (15 ml, about 3 teaspoons), and have a nasal swab sample collected from their nose. The blood will be tested for antibodies, which show whether the person had COVID-19 in the past. The swab will be tested to see if the person has COVID-19 right now. If the selected adult tests positive for active COVID-19 by the nasal swab test, the local health department will notify that person as soon as possible, typically within 4 days. If the person tests negative for active COVID-19, this result will be shared within two weeks. There are no financial costs of any kind to anyone who participates.

Results will help Ohioans

The results will give policymakers real-time data relevant to the health and economic impacts of COVID-19 on Ohio families. By surveying a random sample of households across the state, and combining the results with other data, we can estimate how many Ohioans have already been infected with the novel coronavirus. With participation from many Ohioans, we can defeat this disease.

Ethical Review

This project has been reviewed by the Ohio Department of Health Institutional Review Board (IRB). The Ohio State University Institutional Review Board oversight for the research has been ceded to Ohio Department of Health through an external reliance agreement.

Please explore this site to learn about the Coronavirus Study, view Frequently Asked Questions, and to contact us.