











Following Content Taken from Draft of Syllabus

Course overview:

In this course, you will be guided through all aspects of the practicum experience including: pitching your project, developing a project proposal, project management, project completion, and project presentation. The practicum will serve as the required comprehensive exam for your degree. You will document each phase of the project through this template of a digital portfolio which will include artifacts of your work and reflections on each phase.

Note: Before taking this course, you should have discussed a potential practicum project with your advisor and identified a second reader.

Course description:

Over the course of the next 15 weeks you will—individually or in a group—propose, plan, develop, and present a learning technologies project. Each week, will cover specific topics to help you achieve the completion of your MLT practicum while guiding you through the practicum process.
Before graduation, your advisor and second reader will evaluate your practicum portfolio after you present your project to them.

Course learning outcomes:

By the end of this course, students should successfully be able to:

  • Analyze educational problems.
  • Evaluate current educational issues.
  • Create a learning portfolio that includes a potential solution for the issues/problems identified.
  • Effectively present a solution, work schedule, and deliverables for a learning problem.

Following Text is Taken From: 



Practicum Objectives

The Masters in Learning Technology (MLT) practicum serves as the culmination of the MLT degree. It is also the basis for developing a project which allows students to demonstrate their mastery of the learning outcomes found in the MLT curriculum.

This course consists mainly of a large system design project.

The deliverables at each milestone of the project demonstrate the ability to:

  • take a user-centered approach to design
  • draw on relevant research to analyze and apply emerging technologies
  • clearly articulate ideas in written and oral form
  • analyze societal and ethical implications of technology
  • develop a product with attention to quality
  • foster professional practices

Overview of Practicum Experience

 A digital system will be developed from start to prototype during this course and a website presenting the project will be created. The project idea will be negotiated between the student, the employer, and the committee. The steps of typical product development will be followed, for which there are milestones at each deliverable point.  With each milestone, a report will be delivered focusing on the design thinking, drawing on academic references from the relevant field in a way that demonstrates facility with the key concepts covered throughout the MLT program.

Grading will be based on the project milestones.

The Design Project

 The goal of this project is to design, prototype, and test an interactive system that solves a problem of significance to a user or group of users. At some point, you need to have a digital prototype and work with users. Throughout the practicum, you need to build a website (using this provided template) presenting your project deliverables.

Please choose a project of genuine interest; it will result in heightened engagement when solving the problems that arise.

The system does not have to be complex, but there should be some challenging design issues.

Note: You have to build the website so that it contains work from all the milestones and describes your project from start to finish.