

1. Title: Palliative Care Services
Date Given: Nov, 2014
Conference/Event: Center to Advance Palliative Care National Seminar
Location: Orlando, FL
Presenters: Elizabeth A. Delaney; Sharon K. Christman; Amy J. Voris; Phillip L. Thornton
Other Information: Poster Session

2. Title: Using a Christian Philosophy to Integrate Spiritual Care into Practice and Research
Date Given: Apr, 2016
Conference/Event: Caring for the Human Spirit
Location: San Diego, California
Presenters: Dr. Sharon Christman
Elizabeth Delaney

Dr. Sharon Christman and I at the Health Care Chaplaincy Network Caring for the Human Spirit Conference where we presented information regarding spiritual care in the oncology office.

Dr. Sharon Christman and I at the Health Care Chaplaincy Network Caring for the Human Spirit Conference where we presented information regarding spiritual care in the oncology office.

3. Title: “Combating Compassion Fatigue in Oncology Nursing” Date Given: May, 2016
Conference/Event: West Central Ohio Oncology Nurses Association
Location: Dayton, Ohio
Presenters: Elizabeth Delaney
2016-spring-1-ons-newsletter-with-fatigue-presentation-article  The article is on page 4 and 5 of the newsletter.


4. Title: International Teaching Team for the National Oncology Nursing Society
Date Given: Oct, 2015
Conference/Event: Palliative Care 3 Day Conference for selected Omani Nurses to learn about palliative care
Location: Muscat, Oman
Presenters: Teaching Team of 5 Nationally Selected Educators
Other Information: An experience of a lifetime. We were hosted by the Sultan of Oman and the Minister of Health. See “Teaching in Oman” page.