
Each of the G.O.A.L.S terms mean a lot to me together and separate from each other. Together they make up what I strive to live up to whenever I decide to go out into the community and help out. Individually they mean even more. Global Awareness is the reason I decided to apply for the study abroad program over spring break. I wanted to develop a deeper appreciation for diversity in cultures different from mine. Original Inquiry is the reason I wanted to join STEM EE Scholars in the first place  because I wanted to be challenged while in college. Academic Enrichment is another reason I joined STEM EE Scholars. It encouraged me to further my education in the field I want to study. Leadership Development is so important because without strong competent leaders the world wouldn’t be able to function as nicely as it does right now. For the Service Engagement  I have been working with kids and this has helped me see just how much kids love STEM fields and are excited to learn.

Global Awareness really connects to me because for the past three or four summers my family has been traveling all over Europe. My parents have always instilled the idea that experiences are more important than material goods. In the future I plan to study abroad as often as I possibly can and to learn about as many cultures that I can. I think traveling and seeing the world could help bring people together because before traveling out of the country I didn’t think that Europe was as similar as it is to America. I imagine seeing the world can also take away some of the negative stereotypes around different cultures and seeing that people are basically the same all around the world is very grounding.

Service Engagement is also really important to me. I didn’t realize until college just how rewarding it is to help people and work with people different than me really is. In high school I wasn’t really involved in as much service that I’m involved with now. For example I’m in Morril Scholars and apart of the community service team. Its really cool to see all the different opportunities available that I wouldn’t have been exposed if it wasn’t for both of these amazing organizations.