UPDATED Links for Day 2 Voting

Please vote for the best presentations (open mic and plenary/focus presentations) for day 2 in the links below:

Best Open Mic June 28th –  http://go.osu.edu/nlmmic

Best Paper June 28thhttp://go.osu.edu/nlmtalk

Additionally, if you did not vote for posters yesterday, please make sure that you vote in the link below:


We need your votes no later than Today, June 28, at 12:45 PM so that we can print award documents for the closing session at 2:15.



Survey Links for Day 2

Please vote for the best presentations (open mic and plenary/focus presentations) for day 2 in the links below:

Best Open Mic June 28th –  http://go.osu.edu/nlmmic

Best Paper June 28thhttp://go.osu.edu/nlmtalk

Additionally, if you did not vote for posters yesterday, please make sure that you vote in the link below:


We need your votes no later than Today, June 28, at 12:45 PM so that we can print award documents for the closing session at 2:15.



Day 2 Shuttle Schedule and Instructions for Luggage

The bus transportation will start delivering attendees from the Hilton to the Ohio Union around 6:30 AM (last delivery ending at 8AM).

Please make sure you bring your luggage with you to the Ohio Union. We will have rooms for you to store any luggage you have (check for information at the registration desk).

The buses will begin taking individuals to the airport AND back to the hotel around 2:30 PM. PLEASE CHECK to make sure the bus you are on is going to the destination you desire.

One bus will make loops between the Ohio Union and Columbus Airport

The second bus will make loops between the Ohio Union, Downtown Hilton, and Columbus Airport.

Conference Agenda

The conference agenda has been updated on the agenda page. In addition, the conference book has been finalized. Please see that document linked here. It will be offered as a physical copy at the registration desk on June 27. NLM-2016_Conference-Book (Please note: if you notice any errors in the book, please send a message to James Gentry so that it can be rectified).