
New technologies learned about

Screen Cast






Google Keep

Ideas learned from this class

This class has been very beneficial to me in many ways, I was never a fan of online learning before this course and now I can see how to successfully navigate throughout online courses and use the tips I have learned. The first major idea I learned from this course is how to utilize all of my resources that online learning can provide, especially on canvas. Another major topic that stuck out to me was how to communicate successfully online with other classmates, and the best tips for group learning whilst in an online class. I will take many good ideas from this course and apply them to future online classes as I navigate throughout my major.

Weekly Course Reflections

Reflection Paper Week 1

There are many positive advantages of online learning versus face-to-face learning. Online learning is beneficial for many reasons, some of these include: being able to do the course work anywhere and at your own pace. This is beneficial for someone, like Sarah, who works full time and has a family. If Sarah were to only be able to go to class at certain times and locations she may not be able to further her education due to her job and the needs of her family. 

Although online learning has many positive benefits, it also comes with concerns for me personally. Some of my concerns about online learning are that I may get confused and it won’t be as easy for me to contact my professors in a timely manner. Also, I would worry that I would have technical issues and not be able to complete my work on time. I do however, like that I can work at my own pace because sometimes in a classroom setting I tend to fall behind and struggle with catching up to where the class is. I do believe that OSU has a great set up on Carmen and it has clear information on due dates and other important information. I think going through an online course would help me to be more connected to my professors through my email as well. 

Some elements that will help me to be successful in this course would be to use a planner so that I can clearly see all of my due dates and assignments. Since I will not be in a classroom I will not have a professor telling me when things are due and giving me instructions on how to do things. Therefore, it will be very important for me to be responsible and know when my assignments are due. Also, in order to be successful, I will need to check carmen more frequently to make sure I am doing my work accurately and successfully. 

Reflection Paper 2

June 15, 2019

When I think about my “future professional self” I see myself doing many things and having many good professional qualities. Some of these include maintaining a positive attitude in the workplace and having a great work ethic. I consider myself as having a strong work ethic already because of baseball. Baseball is a sport that you must constantly work on and keep bettering yourself, I work hard year round on my baseball abilities so therefore I have a strong work ethic. However, I can always improve and work harder. 

I hope that I get a good and stable job and I can work my way up and keep growing in the business or wherever I am working. I want to challenge myself daily so I continue to grow professionally and personally. I would bring quite a bit of positive qualities to my workplace because I am strong willed and try to always maintain a positive attitude. In order to improve myself in those areas I would try to start everyday on a positive note and manage conflict by working it out with others. I will keep my work environment professional and as positive as possible. 

Some challenges that I may face in the future might include having bad days at work and not having much motivation, or perhaps not receiving a promotion that I may be wanting. I would overcome these challenges by speaking to coworkers and supervisors daily and always asking what I can do to grow in my area of work. I think it is important to write out goals and make steps on how I plan to achieve them. I want to work in finance so I try to keep up with news regarding finances and I think of how I might solve financial issues. Overall, setting clear goals and making steps to achieve them is very important and that is what I plan to do for my future self. 

Reflection Paper Week 5

July 7, 2019

I often have issues locating and managing good and reliable resources. With so many articles and resources on the web it can sometimes be difficult for me to sift through the millions of search results on google. It is important to make sure your resources are reliable in order to assure you are getting accurate details and not using faulty ones. In order to solve this issue I have begun using google scholar, it only brings up scholarly articles that are reliable and often times double checked by other professionals. These articles are always detailed and give you a lot of great information.

Another difficulty I have when managing resources is that I often look at multiple resources at the same time so they can sometimes run together in my head and I find myself switching over from source to source without noticing it. In order to overcome this issue I will now focus on one article or source at a time and take notes separately on each of them. For example I will pull up a document and title it with the article name, and make bullet points of the good information from each article, this allows me to keep the sources separate and more organized for when I go to retrieve the information later on. 

One final issue I have with sources is being able to read through articles and successfully pull out specific information. Sometimes I will catch myself pulling out a lot of information, even some that is not as important to what I am looking for.  In order to overcome this challenge I like to pull out all of the information that I find important at the time, then after I complete taking notes on the article I will go through my notes and weigh out which information is more important. I will then only keep the most important and crucial bits of the source. 

Reflection Paper Week 6

July 10, 2019

Communicating online with a group can be very difficult if not done effectively. I tend to struggle doing group assignments online with others.  I am not a fan of online group projects because there are many cons as well as stressors that can be involved but successfully overcome if all members are on the same page and working effectively then group work can be completed successfully.  Some issues I have personally had when it comes to working online with a group is that stress that some members may not complete their fair share of the work and that would leave everyone else is a poor situation. I also feel that it can sometimes be hard to communicate when everybody is on different schedules and people kind of just work on it at their own pace. 

Some beneficial ways to  overcome these issues would be to talk to your professors if a member of the group is not pulling their weight, sometimes professors will be understanding and not grade you based on somebody else lack of commitment to the project. In order for effective communication it is beneficial for all of the group members to plan one or more times to all work on it at the same time, just to check where the project is in relation to being completed. There are good ways for everyone to facetime or for everyone to just sit down for an hour and work together. 

Many people, including myself, have a bit of anxiety surrounding group work. However, with a few simple solutions a group project can go very smoothly and even be beneficial for communication skills and working with others.