Year in Review

Global Awareness: Being an Honors student, having an awareness of the world around me is important to better apply the knowledge that I gain here. In addition, I hope to become a doctor in the future, and understanding the state of the world around me could help me better relate to my patients and better diagnose diseases I might come across. To do this, I joined the club Remote Area Medical (RAM) and joined a Buck-i-serv for the winter of 2017. In addition, I volunteer every weekend at the Inn at Olentangy Trail, an Alzheimer’s home, where I talk to Alzheimer’s patients and learn about the effects of the disease.

Original Inquiry: I am currently researching in the Jackman Lab, looking into an enzyme in Dictyostelium discoideum, a slime mold. I am also a part of Global Design Mission, where I partake in a global biomimicry project that aims to answer a question posed by the Biomimicry Institute. Finally, by taking upper level chemistry and biochemistry classes, I am able to have an opportunity to critically analyze data and formulate answers for any challenges I face.

Academic Enrichment: While completing my Honors Contract, I realized how many upper-level chemistry classes I have to take and I surprised myself when I got excited to take them. There is an abundance of chemistry classes required for my major, including physical, analytical, and organic chemistry that I am very excited for. In addition, I plan to take philosophy classes about medicine and the history of the spread of HIV, classes that are directly related to my goal of becoming a doctor. I have also chosen a bioethics minor and a Medical Laboratory Science minor. Both of these minors will also help me achieve my goal of becoming a doctor.

Leadership Development: Currently, I am involved in Remote Area Medical and I am researching in the Jackman Lab. In both of these, attaining a leadership position is definitely a goal of mine. Having the power to persuade people to follow my vision and having success while doing it is one of my major goals in life, not just college. Learning how to do that here would only add on to the wonderful educational experience here at Ohio State.

Service Engagement: Currently, I am involved with Buck-i-serv, as I went to Mississippi in the winter of 2017 to volunteer. This was a life changing experience, as I was able to see the benefits of my work and see the smiles that I can influence through my work. I also volunteer weekly at an Alzheimer’s home, spending time with Alzheimer’s patients. I hope to continue volunteering over the next two years then help people as a doctor later in my life.