Student Research

2018 Life Sciences IGP Symposium

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2018 Hayes Forum

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2017 Life Sciences IGP Symposium

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2018 Papers by NGP Students

Faw TD, Lerch JK, Thaxton TT, Deibert RJ, Fisher LC, Basso DM. Unique sensory and motor behavior in Thy1-GFP-M mice before and after spinal cord injury. J Neurotrauma [Epub ahead of print].

Song A, Zhu L, Gorantla G, Berdysz O, Amici SA, Guerau-de-Arellano M, Madalena KM, Lerch JK, Liu X & Quan N (2018) Salient type 1 interleukin 1 receptor expression in peripheral non-immune cells. Scientific Reports.

Shen Q, Yasmeen R, Marbourg J, Xu L, Yu L, Fadda P, Flechtner A, Lee LJ, Popovich PG, Ziouzenkova O. Induction of innervation by encapsulated apidocytes with engineered vitamin A metabolism. Transl Res, 192:1-14.

Lenz KM & Nelson LH. Microglia and beyond: innate immune cells as regulators of brain development and behavioral function. Front Immunol, 9:698.

Page CE, Alexander J, Shepard R, Coutellier L. (2018) Npas4 deficiency interacts with adolescent stress to disrupt prefrontal GABAergic maturation and adult cognitive flexibility. Genes, Brain and Behavior, e12459.

Borniger JC, Walker Ii WH, Surbhi, Emmer KM, Zhang N, Zalenski AA, Muscarella SL, Fitzgerald JA, Smith AN, Braam CJ, TinKai T, Magalang UJ, Lustberg MB, Nelson RJ, DeVries AC. (2018) A role for hypocretin/orexin in metabolic and sleep abnormalities in a mouse model of non-metastatic breast cancer. Cell Metab, [Epub ahead of print].

Sheth KA, Iyer CC, Wier CG, Crum AE, Bratasz A, Kolb SJ, Clark BC, Burghes AHM, Arnold WD. Muscle strength and size are associated with motor unit connectivity in aged mice. Neurobiol Aging, 67:128-36.

Hesp ZC, Yoseph RY, Suzuki R, Jukkola P, Wilson C, Nishiyama A, McTigue DM. (2018) Proliferating NG2-cell dependent angiogenesis and scar formation alter axon growth and functional recovery after spinal cord injury in mice. J Neurosci, 38(6): 1366-82.

2017 Papers by NGP Students

Borniger JC, Walker II WH, Gaudier-Diaz MM, Stegman CJ, Zhang N, Hollyfield JL, Nelson RJ, DeVries AC.(2017). Time-of-Day Dictates Transcriptional Inflammatory Responses to Cytotoxic Chemotherapy. Sci Rep. 2017 Jan 24;7:41220.

Borniger JC*, Walker II WH*, Surbhi, Zhang N, Zalenski AA, Muscarella SL, Hollyfield JL, Fitzgerald JA, Cisse YM, Gaudier-Diaz MM, Magalang UJ, Lustberg MB, Hinzey AH, Nelson RJ, & DeVries AC. (2017). Metabolic and Sleep Abnormalities Arise Independent of Tumor-Derived Inflammation in Mice with Non-Metastatic Breast Cancer. In review.              *authors contributed equally to the work
Borniger JC, Nelson RJ. (2017). Photoperiodic regulation of behavior: Peromyscus as a model system. Semin Cell Dev Biol, 61:82-91. doi: 10.1016/j.semcdb.2016.06.015.

Borniger, J.C., Cissé, Y.M., Surbhi, Nelson, R.J. (2017) Reciprocal regulation of circadian rhythms and immune function. Current Sleep Medicine Reports, 3(2):93-103.

Cissé, Y. M., Russart, K. L. G., Nelson, R. J. (2017) Depressive-like behavior is elevated among offspring of parents exposed to dim light at night prior to mating. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 83:183-86.

Cissé, Y.M., Peng, J., Nelson, R.J. (2017) Effects of dim light at night on food intake and body mass in developing mice. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 11,:294.

Cissé YM, Russart KL, Nelson RJ. (2017). Parental Exposure to Dim Light at Night Prior to Mating Alters Offspring Adaptive Immunity. Sci Rep, 7:45497.

Orchard TS, Gaudier-Diaz MM, Weinhold KR, Courtney DeVries A. (2017). Clearing the fog: a review of the effects of dietary omega-3 fatty acids and added sugars on chemotherapy-induced cognitive deficits. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 161(3):391-398.

Light, S & Jontes, J. (2017). δ-Protocadherins: organizers of neural circuit assembly. [Review]. Special Issue of Seminars in Cell and Developmental Biology (Elsevier) 69: 83-90.

Emerson, Light, S & Ebert, A. (2017). Neuronal expression patterns of the PlexinA family during zebrafish development. Gene Expression Patterns, 27:56-66.

Madalena KM, Lerch JK (2017). The effect of glucocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptor interactions on brain, spinal cord, and glial cell plasticity. Neural Plasticity, 2017:8640970.

Lerch JK, Alexander JK, Madalena KM, Motti D, Quach T, Dhamjia A, Zha A, Gensel JC, Webster Marketon J, Lemmon VP, Bixby JL, Popovich PG (2017). Stress increases peripheral axon growth and regeneration through 2 glucocorticoid receptor-dependent transcriptional programs. eNeuro, 4(4):1-19.

Marbourg JM, Bratasz A, Mo X, Popovich PG. (2017). Spinal Cord Injury Suppresses Cutaneous Inflammation: Implications for Peripheral Wound Healing. J Neurotrauma, 34(6):1149-1155.

McKim DB, Weber MD, Niraula A, Sawicki CM, Liu X, Jarrett BL, Ramirez-Chan K, Wang Y, Roeth RM, Sucaldito AD, Sobol CG, Quan N, Sheridan JF, Godbout JP. Microglial recruitment of IL-1β-producing monocytes to brain endothelium causes stress-induced anxiety. Mol Psychiatry, 00:1-11.

Nelson LH, Lenz KM. (2017). Microglia depletion in early life programs persistent changes in social, mood-related, and locomotor behavior in male and female rats. Behav Brain Res, 316:279-293.
Nelson LH, Lenz KM. (2017). The immune system as a novel regulator of sex differences in brain and behavioral development. [Review]. J Neurosci Res, 95(1-2):447-461.

Nelson LH, Warden S, Lenz KM.(2017). Sex differences in microglial phagocytosis in the neonatal hippocampus. Brain Behav Immun. pii: S0889-1591(17)30100-9.

Niraula A, Sheridan JF, Godbout JP. (2017). Microglia Priming with Aging and Stress. Neuropsychopharmacology, 42(1):318-333.

Powers, S., Kwok, S., Lovejoy, E., Lavin, T., Sher, R., (2017) Embryonic Exposure to the Environmental Neurotoxin BMAA Negatively Impacts Early Neuronal Development and Progression of Neurodegeneration in the SOD1-G93R Zebrafish Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. Toxicol Sci, 157 (1): 129-140.

Relation, T., Dominici, M., & Horwitz, E. M. Concise Review: An (Im)Penetrable Shield: How the Tumor Microenvironment Protects Cancer Stem Cells. [Review]. Stem Cells. 2017.

Jaime-Ramirez, A. C., Dmitrieva, N., Yoo, J. Y., Banasavadi-Siddegowda, Y., Zhang, J., Relation, T., Bolyard-Blessing, C., Wojton, J., Kaur, B. (2017) Humanized Chondroitinase ABC Sensitizes Glioblastoma Cells to Temozolomide. J Gene Med, 19:e2942.

Banasavadi-Siddegowda YK, Russell, L, Frair E, Karkhanis VA, Relation T, Yoo JY, Zhang J, Sif S, Imitola J, Baiocchi R, Kaur B. (2017) PRMT5-PTEN molecular pathway regulates senescence and self-renewal of primary glioblastoma neurosphere cells. Oncogene. 36(2):263-274.

Russell L, Bolyard C, Banasavadi-Siddegowda Y, Weiss A, Zhang J, Shakya R, Powell K, Kaur B. (2017). Sex as a biological variable in response to temozolomide. Neuro Oncol, 19(6):873-74.

Siu, J.J., Queen, N.J., Huang, W., Yin, F.Q., Liu, X.L., McTigue, D.M., and Cao, L. (2017). Improved Gene Delivery to Adult Mouse Spinal Cord Through the Use of Hybrid Adeno-Associated Viral Serotypes. Gene Therapy, 24(6): 361-69.

Siu, J.J., Queen, N.J., Liu, X.L., Huang, W., Mcmurphy, T., and Cao, L. (2017). Molecular Therapy of Melanocortin-4-Recptor Obesity by an Autoregulatory BDNF Vector. Mol Therapy, 7:83-95.

Todd, L. & Zelinka, C. (2017). Valproic Acid for a treatment of Retinitis Pigmentosa: Reasons for Optimism and Caution. J Neurosci, 37 (21): 5215-5217

Todd, L, Suarez, L, Quinn, C & Fischer A.J. (2017). Retinoic Acid-signaling regulates the proliferative and neurogenic capacity of Muller glia-derived progenitor cells in the avian retina. Stem Cells, 36(3):392-405.

Todd, L., Palazzo, I., Squires, N., Mendonca, N. & Fischer A.J. (2017). BMP- and TGFB- signaling regulate the formation of Muller glia-derived progenitor cells in the avian retina. Glia, 65(10): 1640-55.

Gombash, S., Cowley, C., Fitzgerald, J., Lepak, C., Neides, M., Hook, K., Todd, L., Wang, Guo-Du., Mueller, C., Kaspar, B., Bielefeld, E., Fischer, A., Wood, J & Foust, K. (2017). Systemic Gene Delivery Transduces the Enteric Nervous System of Guinea Pigs and Cynomolgus Macaques. Gene Therapy, 24(10): 640-48.

Walker II WH, Borniger JC, Surbhi, Zalenski AA, Muscarella SL, Fitzgerald JA, Zhang N, Gaudier-Diaz MM, & DeVries AC. (2017) Mammary Tumors Induce Neuroinflammation, but Not Behavioral Deficits in Balb/C Mice. Scientific Reports, 7(1):8152.

Heilman PL, Song S, Miranda CJ, Meyer K, Srivastava AK, Knapp A, Wier CG, Kaspar BK, Kolb SJ. HSPB1 mutations causing hereditary neuropathy in humans disrupt non-cell autonomous protection of motor neurons. Exp Neurol, 297:101-09.

Witcher KG, Godbout JP. (2017). Can Sustained Glia-Mediated Brain Inflammation After Repeated Concussive Brain Injury Be Detected In Vivo? JAMA Neurol, 74(1):23-25.

Zalenski A, De K, Verene M. (2017). Not just another biomarker: the role of integrin alpha 7 in glioblastoma. Stem Cell Investig, 4:99.

2016 Papers by NGP Students

Carpenter, RS, Iwuchukwu I, Hinkson CL, Reitz S, Lee W, Kukino A, Zhang A, Pike MM, Ardelt AA. (2016) High-dose estrogen treatment at reperfusion reduces lesion volume and accelerates recovery of sensorimotor function after experimental ischemic stroke. Brain Research; 1639:200-213

Borniger, J. C., Cisse, Y. M., Cantemir-Stone, C. Z., Bolon, B., Nelson, R. J., & Marsh, C. B. (2016). Behavioral abnormalities in mice lacking mesenchyme-specific Pten. Behavioural Brain Research, 304, 80–5.

Borniger JC, Hesp, Z. (2016). Enhancing Remyelination through a Novel Opioid-Receptor Pathway.

Borniger JC, Teplitsky S, Gnyawali S, Nelson RJ, Rink C. (2016). Photoperiodic Regulation of Cerebral Blood Flow in White-Footed Mice (Peromyscus leucopus). eNEURO. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0058-16.2016.

Borniger JC, Cissé YM, Cantemir-Stone CZ, Bolon B, Nelson RJ, Marsh CB. (2016). Behavioral abnormalities in mice lacking mesenchyme-specific Pten.Behav Brain Res, 1;304:80-5. doi: 10.1016/j.bbr.2016.02.016.

Borniger JC, Cissé YM, Gaudier-Diaz MM, Walker II WH. (2016). Commentary: Anxiety- and Depression-like States Lead to Pronounced Olfactory Deficits and Impaired Adult Neurogenesis in Mice. Front Behav Neurosci. 10:130. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00130.

Cissé YM, Peng J, Nelson RJ.(2016). Dim light at night prior to adolescence increases adult anxiety-like behaviors. Chronobiol Int. 2016;33(10):1473-1480. Epub 2016 Sep 3.

Dominoni DM, Borniger JC, Nelson RJ. (2016). Light at night, clocks and health: from humans to wild organisms. Biol Lett. doi: 10.1098/rsbl.2016.0015.

DiSabato, DJ, Quan N, Godbout JP (2016), Neuroinflammation: the devil is in the details. Journal of Neurochemistry. doi: 10.1111/jnc.13607.

Liu X, Nemeth DP, Tarr AJ, Belevych N, Syed ZW, Wang Y, Ismail AS, Reed NS, Sheridan JF, Yajnik AR, DiSabato, DJ, Zhu L, Quan N (2016), Euflammation attenuates peripheral inflammation-induced neuroinflammation and mitigates immune-to-brain signaling. Brain Behavior and Immunity. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2016.01.018.

Hansen CN, Norden DM, Faw TD, Deibert R, Wohleb ES, Sheridan JF, Godbout JP, Basso DM. (2016). Lumbar Myeloid Cell Trafficking into Locomotor Networks after Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury. Exp Neurol, 282:86-98. doi: 10.1016/j.expneurol.2016.05.019.

Hansen CN, Faw TD, White S, Buford JA, Grau JW, Basso DM.(2016). Sparing of Descending Axons Rescues Interneuron Plasticity in the Lumbar Cord to Allow Adaptive Learning After Thoracic Spinal Cord Injury. Front Neural Circuits, 10:11. doi: 10.3389/fncir.2016.00011.

A.C. DeVries, M.M. Gaudier-Diaz & W.H. Walker. (2016) PNIRS Primer Chapter on Cerebral Ischemia

A. Hinzey, M.M. Gaudier-Diaz, M.B. Lustberg & A.C. DeVries. (2016) Breast Cancer and Social Support: Getting by with a Little Help From Our Friends. Breast Cancer Research.

Madalena, KM, Lerch JK (2016) Glucocorticoids and nervous system plasticity. Neural Regen Res 11(1):37-41.

McKim DB, Patterson JM, Wohleb ES, Jarrett BL, Reader BF, Godbout JP, Sheridan JF.(2016). Sympathetic Release of Splenic Monocytes Promotes Recurring Anxiety Following Repeated Social Defeat. Biol Psychiatry, 79(10):803-13. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.07.010.

Pyter LM, Husain Y, Calero H, McKim DB, Lin HY, Godbout JP, Sheridan JF, Engeland CG, Marucha PT. (2016). Tumors Alter Inflammation and Impair Dermal Wound Healing in Female Mice. PLoS One, 11(8):e0161537. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0161537.

Niraula, A., McKim, D.B., Tarr, A.J., Wohleb, E.S., Sheridan, J.F., & Godbout, J.P. (2016). Neuroinflammatory Dynamics Underlie Memory Impairments after Repeated Social Defeat. J Neuroscience, 36(9), 2590-604.

Ramirez, K., Niraula, A., & Sheridan, JF (2016). GABAergic Modulation with Classical Benzodiazepines Prevent Stress-Induced Neuro-Immune Dysregulation and Behavioral Alterations. Brain Behavior Immunity, 51, 154-68.

Shepard R, Page CE, Coutellier L. (2016). Sensitivity of the prefrontal GABAergic system to chronic stress in male and female mice: Relevance for sex differences in stress-related disorders. Neuroscience, 332:1-12. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2016.06.038.

Pershing ML, Phenis D, Valentini V, Pocivavsek A, Lindquist DH, Schwarcz R, Bruno JP.Prenatal kynurenine exposure in rats: age-dependent changes in NMDA receptor expression and conditioned fear responding. Psychopharmacology (Berl), 233(21-22):3725-3735.

Hansen K, Sakamoto K, Aten S, Snider, KH, Loeser J, Hesse AM, Page, CE, Pelz C, Arthur JSC, Impey S, Obrietan K. (2016) Targeted deletion of mir-132/-212 impairs memory and alters the hippocampal transcriptome. Learning & Memory, 23: 61-71.

MacIlvane N.M., Pochiro J.M., Hurwitz N.R., Goodfellow M.J., Lindquist D.H. (2016) Recognition memory is selectively impaired in adult rats exposed to binge-like doses of ethanol during early postnatal life. Alcohol, Dec; 57:55-63.

Foglesong, G.D., Huang, W., Liu, X., Slater, A.M., Siu, J., Yildiz, V., Salton, S.R., and Cao, L. Role of Hypothalamic VGF in Energy Balance and Metabolic Adaption to Environmental Enrichment in Mice. Endocrinology. January 5, 2016.

Todd L, Squires N, Suarez L, Fischer AJ. (2016). Jak/Stat signaling regulates the proliferation and neurogenic potential of Müller glia-derived progenitor cells in the avian retina. Sci Rep, 6:35703. doi: 10.1038/srep35703.

Zelinka CP, Volkov L, Goodman ZA, Todd L, Palazzo I, Bishop WA, Fischer AJ. (2016). mTor signaling is required for the formation of proliferating Müller glia-derived progenitor cells in the chick retina. Development, 143(11):1859-73. doi: 10.1242/dev.133215.

Gallina D, Palazzo I, Steffenson L, Todd L, Fischer AJ. (2016). Wnt/β-catenin-signaling and the formation of Müller glia-derived progenitors in the chick retina. Dev Neurobiol, 76(9):983-1002. doi: 10.1002/dneu.22370.

Todd L, Suarez L, Squires N, Zelinka CP, Gribbins K, Fischer AJ. (2016). Comparative analysis of glucagonergic cells, glia, and the circumferential marginal zone in the reptilian retina. J Comp Neurol, 524(1):74-89. doi: 10.1002/cne.23823.