NGSO Updates for Spring Semester 2025

Hi everyone,
  1. Congratulations to Aravind as the new NewN chair for  2025-2026!
  2. Our first meeting of the semester will be Wednesday the 15th after seminar due to recruitment week.
  3. Please join us at the NGSO sponsored social during recruitment in the Kee from 6-9pm on Friday, Jan 10th. This social is important for recruitment as it is the only event without faculty, allowing the interviewees to ask all their burning questions in a low-key environment. Everyone is welcome to join us including partners, even if you did not already RSVP. We will be providing some food (wings, fries, veggies and hummus) but there are also food options for purchase. We do have a minimum we need to spend so please make sure any food or drinks you purchase let them know you are with the NGSO.
See everyone soon!
-Amara Davis

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