The most useful thing I have learned in this module is notes taking methods. I really enjoy seeing other people’s notes taking style as I’m a note taker as well and I am always searching for ways to improve my notes taking skill. As what the video mentioned, every lecturer has his or her own talking rhythm and speed, and it is really hard for a non-native English speaker like me to really catch the words and points the lecturer try to tell. And I have been always missing out a lot of important points.
Bullets points notes taking method is really helpful when it comes to lecturer who speak really fast as you do not even have time to even structure the whole sentence. However, the downside of this method is you have to reorganize the notes that you have taken into something easier for you to read when you want to do revision. I will suggest the students to use this method when it comes to notes taking in this lecturer class and outline method to reorganize your notes. Outline method is a very useful method to reorganize your notes as it organizes your bullets points and put them into different group. I will use these two notes taking method in my future lecture class as I think they will help me to get higher grades. I highly recommend students who are still struggling with notes taking in class to adopt these two notes taking method.