From the module ‘Communicating and Collaborating’, the most useful thing that I have learned is how ineffectively I manage my time and how can I improve on some of the facets of time management for my overall success. I always think that I am fairly good at handling my time. However, after taking this assessment, I should really take a step back and reflect on how I manage my time through things like goal setting, procrastination, scheduling and prioritization. I realize that there are two things that I really need to work on if I wish to improve my efficiency on completing a task; they are procrastination and prioritization.
I’m always prioritizing the wrong things and I really need to work on identifying the important stuff in my life and write them down on the ‘to-do’ list, so I know the things I would have to work on next. For example, I will always be doing things that I’m interested in than things that contain higher value. For students who are reading this post, I will recommend you to go to this website and complete the assessment or just read the article, it will definitely help you in identifying your problem on managing your time. By getting your priorities right, it’ll allow you to work more efficiently and focus more on the important and high-value task first.
Besides, I’m always on the ‘I will do it later’ mood, so I did my assignment pretty last minute. I have to figure out why I procrastinate and work hard on this problem as the time I use to procrastinate, could be used to do a lot of meaningful stuff and finishing up my assignment. I truly recommend students who are facing the same problems as me to really work on it. By reduce your time on procrastination, you will have more time to work on the assignments and it will increase your efficiency on completing a task.