Arriving in a Whole New World

On Saturday, when we landed in New Orleans, and I saw the green grass, I was more than excited to be here. My heart fluttered and when I stepped off of the plane, I could feel the warm air. This was just the beginning of the best 5 days of my life.

We landed and rode to the hotel, and just riding through the city made me excited. I saw old buildings, I saw newer buildings, and I saw people EVERYWHERE. It was natural for them to just walk around the city, where as, in my town, it’s not normal unless the weather is really nice.

We arrived at the Banana Courtyard and I got to see my room, and they had really high ceilings, when back at the time this building was probably built, they were much shorter people. I dropped off my bags and off we went to go find some amazing food. Just a block away from the Banana was a restaurant called Buffas. I could smell sausages being cooked on a grill outside and instantly my mouth started to water. We went in and looked at the menu, and I immediately decided that I needed what ever the man outside was cooking. It just so happened that it was a Bratwurst Jambalaya. Three of us ordered the Bratwurst Jambalaya and two ordered the Crawfish Ettoufe. We sat waiting for the food and started admiring the artwork in the restaurant, and we noticed a band coming in to play. Our food came and man did it look delicious. We dug in immediately trying the other dishes as well. The jambalaya and the ettoufe were both very delicious and the music was good.

After dinner, we walked down through the french market, did some exploring, and then went on a Ghost Tour of New Orleans to end the night.


^Bratwurst Jambalaya^

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