Workers end strike after protest

The article shows “Workers have ended a strike at the World Cup stadium in the southern Brazilian city of Curitiba after disrupting traffic for nearly two hours and forcing organizers to accept their demands”. Building new stadiums and establishing other infra-structure for world cup games are important and huge part of the event. It might be able to create a number of jobs and many fans in the world would pay attention to the game. The article also shows “Curitiba officials said the work stoppage did not significantly affect the stadium’s renovation”. A number of fans will enjoy world cup games and world cup could be great chance to attract tourists in the future. Since internet and mass media are global tool and many fans can enjoy the game regardless of their location, world cup is great chance to learn the country and culture.

Dortmund’s Gundogan out of World Cup

The article shows “Gundogan, 23, had been close to breaking into the Germany starting XI in 2013 as stellar season for Dortmund, and some excellent displays for the national team saw him challenge Sami Khedira and Bastian Schweinsteiger for a spot in Joachim Loew’s midfield. However, since suffering a mysterious back injury in August 2013, the Gelsenkirchen-born player has not played a minute of first team football, and only made a brief comeback on the training pitch during Dortmund’s winter training camp in Spain” This clearly reveals that injury could be critical issue to many soccer players because they lose their chance to show their abilities by injury. Injury could make players feel scared of having same injury for the rest of their careers so having an injury for player could be quite problematic in their careers.


Antonio Cassano World Cup hopes hit

The article shows “The 31-year-old has missed Parma’s last two games since injuring his ankle in the 3-2 defeat to Lazio. He was asked to take part in a fitness test by Italy coach Cesare Prandelli, but was unable to take part due to the injury which his club’s general manager Pietro Leonardi has branded “serious.”” Players who have been injured might not be able to fully show their performance and they might feel scared to get injured again even though they become recovered. Having injury is quite serious problem to players because it could decrease their full athlete ability for the game. Since sports science is getting developed, many soccer players can take advantage of developed sports science for their career. Sports science and technology are currently considered as big part of game because it helps players to maintain their performance for the game.

FIFA opens last phase of ticket sales

The article shows “Tickets for nearly two-thirds of the World Cup matches were sold out within hours of FIFA opening the final online sales phase on Tuesday”. This shows a number of fans in the world pay attention to world cup games and they are expecting world cup games. The article also shows “FIFA said 126,837 tickets were requested within the first four hours. Football’s governing body had put nearly 200,000 tickets on sale on a first-come, first-serve basis in this last phase”. Since media and internet has been developed so many fans in the world could enjoy the game through high quality television or computer screen. This is also important to players because they can show their performance to international fans so they might have change to play in foreign leagues in the future.

El Shaarawy hopeful over World Cup

The article reveals “The 21-year-old has spent most of the season sidelined by a foot injury, but after being invited to a fitness test by Italy coach Cesare Prandelli last Monday, he came through half an hour with AC Milan’s youth team on Saturday and immediately set his sights on a return to action with the senior team and his country”. Injury is one of biggest problems that might happen to soccer players. However, sports medicine and rehabilitation technology have been developed through soccer history. World cup could be great chance to players to show his performance in front of fans in the world.

Jerome Valcke tours Cuiaba stadium

The article shows “FIFA’s top World Cup official is satisfied with the pace of work at the stadium in the western Brazilian city of Cuiaba even though a delay in the delivery of seats prompted the venue’s inauguration to be postponed this week”. Since world cup is one of huge soccer events in the world, the infra-structure such as stadium is also important part of the event. The article also reveals “As in most World Cup stadiums, infrastructure work around the Arena Pantanal was far from complete, but Valcke said he was assured it would all be completed in time”. Even though infra-structure such as building stadiums is big part of the game, enjoying the world cup is also big part of the event. World cup is one of greatest soccer events because many fans and national teams could enjoy soccer game at the same time.

FIFA announce new anti-doping protocol

The article shows “FIFA are planning to freeze blood and urine samples of star players at this summer’s World Cup finals, in a move designed to bolster the image of a sport eager to avoid the curse of drug taking”. Since doping test is quite important to achieve fairness in soccer game and any sports, the test should be also applied to star players and non-star players during the world cup. The article also shows “The fight against doping has intensified over the last 10 to 15 years,” he said. “The increase of simple sampling procedures both in and out of competition controls does not stop some athletes to continue with doping strategies”. World cup is one of greatest soccer events in the world so doping test is important part of game to maintain fairness in world cup.

Noboa: Harmony is key for Ecuador

According to article, it says “It was a heavy burden to carry because he was our striker, our colleague and our brother and it affected us a lot. We hope that up there he’ll be with us in every match. We know he’s looking out for us. The harmony, friendship and togetherness in our squad have been crucial in helping us keep going.” This clearly shows how harmony and maintain team chemistry could be important part of soccer game. Since players could experience pressure and stress for game, keeping harmony could be quite helpful to win the game. There are a number of players with high level of soccer techniques but team chemistry is also huge part of the game in modern soccer.

FIFA Medical Emergency Bag to provide essential care

According to articles, it says ““At any FIFA World Cup there are a number of emergencies that occur and we need to be prepared to deal with all situations prior to and during the games,” said Professor Dvorak. “The FIFA Medical Emergency Bag has been designed so it can be used on the field, in the stadium, outside the stadium – anywhere an emergency could occur. The bag contains everything required to sufficiently treat someone for the first hour of a serious medical situation.” This clearly shows the importance of player’s security and health. Since there are always possibilities of emergent situation during soccer matches, emergent health care and equipment should be one of important concerns for soccer games. Security for players and fans should be one of most important part in soccer game.

England to use sports psychiatrist to aid World Cup bid

According to article, it says “Roy Hodgson has confirmed that England have brought in a leading sports psychiatrist to assist them with their preparations for the World Cup in Brazil later this year.” This shows confidence and mental stability play an important role in modern soccer. There are a number of players who can perform high level of techniques in soccer so psychiatrist could maximize player’s ability. Since there are numerous matches in many soccer leagues, maintaining emotional stability and confidence could be a key factor in soccer. Getting help from psychiatrist could decrease player’s pressure. This shows keeping confidence and mental calmness play important role in modern soccer.