Hand Gesture Gone Wrong

French footballer, Nicolas Anelka made a celebratory hand gesture after scoring a goal against West Ham in December of this year. The hand gesture, apparently known as the ‘quenelle’ has been regarded by some as anti-semitic. Anelka was at the epicenter of widespread condemnation even after he responded, clarifying that the gesture is anti-establishment and has nothing to do with anti-semitism. An FA disciplinary hearing was issued regarding the issue. It was established that Anelka was not anti-semitic and had not intended for the hand gesture surrounding the controversy to promote or express anti-semitism. Despite this outcome, Anelka was banned for 5 games and West Bromwich Albion suspended him and later gave him notice of his termination from the due his, along with the club’s, inability to come to terms over the conditions required for the suspension by the club to be lifted.

Anelka made a few comments on twitter about the situation explaining the meaning of the gesture and posted a picture of a Obama, Jay Z, Beyonce and another individual making the same gesture with the opposite hand. Translation of the top tweet: “Quenelle meaning: anti-system. I do not know what the word religion has to do with this story!”

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