20 Unknown Players Most Likely to Earn Big Transfers Via World Cup Performances

The 2014 Brazil World Cup, which is dominating soccer news (and will continue to do so), has brought forth new debates and discussions across the sport.  One beneficial part of the games few think about is that players on the weaker teams will shine for the first time on the international stage in front of millions, and with it able to give them the opportunity for a transfer to a big-name team.  With the increasing difficulty of being “discovered”, those players on teams such as Iran and Honduras might find the possibility of leaving their home countries for a European club, and with it a chance at greater success and salaries.  Also, players on the more favored teams, besides the few superstars, can shine with their highly skilled compatriots, and with a strong finishing in the end can mean continued light on them that can propel them to bigger and better things.  As we prepare to watch the world cup, this article shows it’s important we not only watch for dark horse teams, but also players new to the international spotlight.



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