FIFA monitors Curitiba stadium delays

A stadium to be constructed in Curitiba, a city in the South of Brazil, is behind schedule according to  FIFA Secretary General Jerome Valcke. FIFA officials are saying that they are doing everything possible to get the construction back on schedule. “Valcke said those involved in the city’s preparations ‘are seeking and finding solutions to help them catch up and hopefully make sure’ the stadium will be ready to host its four matches in the World Cup. FIFA gave an ultimatum to local organizers last month, saying they have until Tuesday to show the work at Arena da Baixada can be finished in time.” Brazil has planned on building 12 new cup stadiums for the World Cup later this year, but only 7 have been finished as of now. Although extremely behind schedule, Brazil is confident in saying that all stadiums will be completed in time. Do you think Brazil will manage to construct all the stadiums? What other things does Brazil need to complete in order to be ready for the World Cup?

One thought on “FIFA monitors Curitiba stadium delays

  1. Usually, host countries manage to be ready by the opening date. It will be important to see how much all of these delays will cost financially.

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