Fifa presidential candidate introduces orange cards

Frenchman fifa presidential candidate Jerome suggests introducing orange cards which allows referees to send players to a sin-bin (penalty box). He also has several proposals which includes: punishing players when questioning officials, quotas for foreign players, and abolishing the ‘triple punishment rule, and so it goes on. His aim is to make fifa more “democratic”, he believes it needs to be “more democratic, more respected, which behaves better and which does more.” But doesn’t it make it more dictatorial by adding more restrictions? If these proposals pass what will happen to the future of football or fifa ? Will this cause international outrage? Or will this actually help the future of fifa in becoming a more “respected” association? How will foreign players feel about the quotas? Do you agree with Jerome’s proposals?

One thought on “Fifa presidential candidate introduces orange cards

  1. Semira, congratulations! This is the first student post for our class. It is a good idea to include the full name of the candidate (Jérôme Champagne). I am following this too and we will talk about the lack of transparency in FIFA’s decision-making process later in the semester. Pele has endorsed his candidacy!

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