Badge 12 – Complete Blooms Digital Taxonomy


Badge 12: Complete Blooms Digital Taxonomy

In this video I will be applying for my complete blooms taxonomy badge by providing evidence of how I have targeted the 6 levels of blooms with my student lead lesson on assessments as well as my group micro teaching on augmented reality.  In both I wanted to make it a point to share how blooms could be applied in these areas. Sharing examples and resources with the class to help paint a better picture on how blooms applies in these subject areas.

Badge 6: Remembering

During my student lead lesson on assessment i spent a lot of time recalling information that was covered in many of the readings in order to help facilitate remembering around the content area of assessment.  The entirety of my lecture really was a form a remembering in the sense that I was really just delivering content for the class to recall or remember

Connect image

Link to Carmen Connect Session


Badge 7: Understanding

I also made a purposeful effort to help with better understanding on both my student lead lesson and micro teaching by analyzing and summarizing the content for the class. I also tried to encourage discussion to get new perspectives or interpretations of the content or material that I myself my not have seen or understand.  This allowed for the class as a whole to really search for or apply their own understanding of the content.


Badge 8: Applying

Once a better understanding has occurred I was able to apply the information into real life scenarios and applications.  by sharing applications of this information in k-12, higher ed, and corporate settings, the class can now relate and connect to the content on a personal level.  I do wish I would have taken the time to have them get into groups and come up with their own applications of different types of assessments or AR for different environments and ask them to share out with the class to give more perspective of the content in different settings and applications.

Badge 9: Analyzing

By encouraging a better understanding and giving relatable examples of how the content can be applied to them on a more personal level I was then able to encourage the class to Analyze the information on their own and share their thoughts in the group discussion portion of my student lead lesson.  This facilitated some great insight and feedback of the content covered in our assessment portion of the course.  For our Micro teaching we really spent a lot of “hands on” time with different AR apps to encourage a personal analysis of different types of AR apps that are available and how they might be able to apply them.

Badge 10: Evaluating

For my student lead lesson i shared a lot of the evaluations I have made with my work on college ready Ohio, the readings and the research shared in the class, as well as from my personal experiences of assessments throughout school. This evaluation of pushing towards more authentic assessments rather then traditional standardized summative assessments is something i am a strong believer and supporter of, but again sharing this was my personal evaluation of the information i have come across in both my personal and professional experience in education.

Anatomy 4D

Link to Anatomy 4D App


Link to Elements 4D App


Link to Aurasma App


Badge 11: Creating

Lastly is creating.  This is what I live for.  With our micro teaching I created the Auras or augmented reality images to help facilitate learning around AR.  If I had more time I would love to do some hands on work and help the class all create their own personal Aura or AR trigger

CreatingTRIGGERApplyingTRIGGERAnalyzingTRIGGERUnderstandingTRIGGERRZemembering TRIGGEREvaluatingTRIGGER

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