Shape Grammar Process

What was the project

For this project, we had to create a template using shape grammar. We had to use circles triangle and squares and use the principles and elements of design to create a contrastable template. We had to make six digital and six different analog version to be able to come up with our final one. After making all twelve of the templates and choosing the one I wanted to be my final, I had to create an 8×8 version of the 3×3. I had to make one analog version and one digital version that was inverses of each other.

Analog Practice

Before coming up with my final six for the analog version I had to make several rough drafts on tracing paper. I first started by just taking shapes and putting them anywhere on the paper and Tracing them. When first starting this project the directions were kind of unclear on purpose. I wasn’t quite sure what I was supposed to be doing but after I started getting into it a bit and asking questions to my teachers and other classmates the project started to clear up. At first, I was focused on the lines I was drawing and not so much on the contrast part. I didn’t quite understand what the professors meant when they said we would be creating a black and white version. After being confused for a bit I decided to ask more questions and rewatch the videos they gave me. Once I understood what we were doing is when I started to make a lot of progress

Digital practice.

For my digital process, it was a lot easier for me to be able to create templates and make them look how I wanted, so I don’t have as many roughy drafts on my iPad as I do on paper. When making my templates on Vectornator, I would place the shapes in a position I found that I wanted in my head, then I would arrange them around until I got the result I wanted. The hardest part of using Vectornator was using the triangles. The triangle where not completely equilateral so when I would make my templates with triangles I wouldn’t get the same result on paper. This was before I realized that I could use more shapes than the ones given. It was also quite difficult to understand how to use the boolean tool because sometimes it would work how I wanted and other times it would completely change my template. 

Final six.

My final six for digital were originally very different from my final six for analog before I knew exactly what we were doing. I originally made templates that had a lot of lines that I don’t think I would have been able to cut out for the analog version. I tried to create a template on paper like I did on the digital iPad and it came out pretty messy so I knew that I wouldn’t be able to execute the design without too much difficulty. So for my final six, I came up with a few more simples designs that I would like and still be able to execute. I also tried to make a few complex designs for the analog version just to show that I could but I knew that they wouldn’t be my final choice.

Coming up with names was also a difficult task in itself. I tried asking classmates how the designs made them feel, or maybe what they might call the design. I tried searching up some descriptive words, but I wasn’t getting much luck. I didn’t worry about what to name the templates until the end but I could at least write down the principles. I knew most of the principles I was using because I would usually think of a principal before I would create my design so this process wasn’t very difficult.

Final one.

For my final one named energy, I originally made a design that I called mountain because it looked like mountains with a sunset. But when I showed the design to the professor he told me to be careful using words like that. But then I also ran into the problem where when I would turn the design into a contrasted image I wouldn’t get the design I wanted. So then I went back to drafting. I knew from the start that I wanted to use this design even if I had to change it up a little bit. So first I started by taking the design and copying it and flipping it over. I still didn’t really like this design because when I would fill it in it would give away the illusion the circle in the middle was further away. Then I tried making a design where I took the circle out and made the triangle overlap. I simply just didn’t like this one. But then I went make to the previous design and tried outlining it with a bigger shape so that I could fill in the parts that I wanted and keep the illusion that the circle was behind the triangles. After creating the design I wanted I still didn’t know what to name it. I was still thinking about a mountain range so I had a name like calm and peace. But then I went to my online class and someone told me that when they saw my design they thought of an energy ball and I could see what they were seeing. So that’s where the name energy came from. 

Final Creation

For the final, it was a long and tedious process. First I had to do some math to figure out the size of the shapes to use. Then I had to figure out how to measure the shapes to the correct size because 5.33 was kind of a hard measurement for me to figure out for some reason. Then cutting the shapes was very stressful because I didn’t want to waste any cardstock. To cut the cardstock I would first draw my shape out of the paper. Then I would cut it out using a ruler as a straight edge and cutting down it with my Exacto knife. After cutting out all the shapes I needed, I drew down some guiding lines on my background color very lightly so I could erase them easily. Then I chose to use the glue method that our professor deb gave up. I would put some glue down and take an extra piece of card stock to wipe the glue onto the piece I was laying down so I wouldn’t put to much glue on. Then I would place the piece down onto my guiding lines very carefully. I did mess up a little on part of it because the piece I was laying down was very thin and it would move around very easily. It wasn’t quite the result I wanted but I felt the mistake wasn’t bad enough to start the whole thing over. After finishing the analog version of the final, creating the digital version was very easy. I already knew all the sized of the shapes, I just had to put them where they go and revert the colors. 

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