Final research paper outline

Intro: The human race has one planet to live on and it is quickly being stripped of its valuable natural resources.

Thesis: Renewable energy, including solar, wind, hydroelectric and various other power sources, are able to be utilized without depleting any of Earth’s natural resources. Because of the importance of the state of this planet for the future generations to come, it is vital that policies supporting the implementation of green energy continue to progress, protecting the environment, reserving natural resources, and reducing dependency on foreign nations.

1st argument: policies supporting the implementation of green energy continue to progress

  • whether or not industrialization has affected the Earth’s climate.

2nd argument:  protecting the environment

  • Greenhouse gases, an overarching term describing gases that absorb the infrared radiation of the sun and trap it within the atmosphere, are produced through the combustion of fossil fuels

3rd argument: reserving natural resources

4th argument: reducing dependency on foreign nations.


conclusion: The temptation of financial gain at the expense of the planet

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