Annotated bibliography

“Climate Change Evidence: How Do We Know?” NASA, NASA, 21 Sept. 2018.
Joyce, William. “Oil Dependency: a Subtle but Serious Threat.” American Security Project, 4
June. 2013.

This source is very credible as it highlights information from NASA. It states that Economic vitality requires stable
prices, as spikes in oil prices may reduce output and wages while increasing inflation and interest
Ritchie, Hannah. “How Long before We Run out of Fossil Fuels?” Our World in Data, 18 Aug.

This source has high credibility as brings in data about fossil fuels from all over the world. It talks about the how accurate the data about fossil fuels is and also mentions that based on the assumption of constant fossil fuel consumption, the implementation of green energy would allow for these reserves of resources to be depleted at a much slower rate.

Singh, Bharat R, “Study of Impacts of
Global Warming on Climate Change.” Intech 2012.

This is a study done by a credible researcher. This is important in invoking a progression in environmental regulations because humans have had a statistically significant impact on the induced climate change through the dependency on fossil fuels to
produce energy.

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