Spatial Data Standards

Spatial Data Standards around the World

ICA Member Countries

Click on a country name below to link to a Spatial Data Transfer Standard, a Spatial Metadata Standard, or a Spatial Data Infrastructure.

Spatial Transfer Standards

Australia – AUS-SDTS *
Australia – A2260
Canada – SAIF *
China DEFS *
EU – CEN/TC278 GDF *
Finland – JHS 111-119
France – EDIGeO
IHO S-57 *
Israel – IEF ’91 *
Japan – SPDFDM
Netherlands – NEN 1878
Norway – SOSI
Russian Fed – DEMTS
Spain – NICCa *
Switzerland – INTERLIS
United Kingdom – NTF *
United States – SDTS

Metadata Standards

Australia *
Canada *
China *
Czech Republic *
Dublin Core
EU – CEN/TC287
EuroGeoSurveys – GEIXS *
EuroGeographics – LaClef *
Hungary *
ISO/DIS 19115 *
Israel *
Korea *
Russia *
South Africa *
Spain *
United States – CSDGM
USA – NBII Profile *
USA – Shoreline Profile *
USA – RS Extension *

Spatial Data Infrastructure

Australia – ASDI *
Austria – AGEO
Canada – GeoConnections
China – CNSDI *
Chile – INDE
Columbia – ICDE
Croatia *
Czech Republic – CAGI
Finland – NGIIF
France – CNIG *
Germany – DDGI
Greece – HEMCO
Hungary – HUNAGI *
Iceland – LISA
Ireland – IRLOGI
Israel – MII *
Japan – NSDIP *
Malaysia – MaCGDI *
Netherlands – RAVI *
New Zealand – ANZLIC
Norway – GeoForum
Russia – FCC *
Slovakia *
South Africa – NSIF *
Spain *
Sweden – ULI
Switzerland – SOGI
United Kingdom – NGDF *
United States – NSDI
Yugoslavia *

World Standards/SDI Organizations

ISO/TC 211 Geographic Information/Geomatics

GSDI – Global Spatial Data Infrastructure

UNGIWG – United Nations Geographic Information Working Group

Digital Earth *

Global Mapping *

OGC – Open GIS Consortium

UNEP – United Nations Environmental Programme Home Page

Regional Standards/SDI Organizations

CEN – European Committee for Standardization

EUROGI – European Umbrella Organisation for Geographic Information

PCGIAP – Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific

PCIDEA – Permanent Committee of Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Americas *

UNEP – United Nations Environmental Programme-Arendal *

UNEP – United Nations Environmental Programme-Warsaw

National Standards Organizations

Asociación Española de Normalizatión y Certificación (AENOR)

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

Association Francaise de Normalisation (AFNOR)

Austrian Standards Institute (ON)

British Standards Institure (BSI) *

Czech Standards Institute (CSI)

Deutsches Institut fur Normung (DIN)

Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT)

State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization (GOST)

Instituto Colombiano de Normas Técnicas y Certificación (ICONTEC)

Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC)

Korea Agency for Technology and Standards

Nederlands Normalisatie-Instituut (NEN)

Standardization in Norway (NSF)

South African Bureau of Standards (SABS)

Hungarian Standards Institute (SAI)

Standardization Administration of China (SAC)

Standards Australia (SAI) *

Standards Council of Canada (SCC)

Finnish Standards Association (SFS)

Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV)

Standards New Zealand (SNZ)

Slovak Standards Institute (SUTN) *